  • 期刊


Attitude and Behavior Related to Patient Education among Physicians Who Manage Hypertensives at Taipei City Hospitals


「不遵醫囑治療」是高而壓控制得不理想的主要原因之一。許多研究者指出,病人順從醫囑的行爲常受到醫師的行爲,以及種種醫師和病人之間的關係所影響。因此本研究之目的在瞭解醫師處理高血壓病人的情形,並進一步探討醫師有關病人衛生教育的態度和實行之間的關係。 台北市四所市立醫院內科和心臟血管科的61位實際處理高血壓病人之醫師被選爲調查對象。主要結果如下:(1)醫師們各以不同的方法處理高血壓病人;(2)醫師們在診治時,從事病人衛生教育的比率不高;(3)醫師對病人衛生教育的態度愈正向,其從事病人衛生教育的比率也愈高;(4)影響醫師實施病人衛生教育的變項包括工作年數、態度、年齡、職位、服務醫院別等,其中以年齡和醫院別因素最顯著;(5)醫師們對於高血壓在職教育的主題,偏好「藥物治療」和「併發症的處理」,至於「衛生教育教材」和「行爲治療」則興趣極低。 如何提高醫師對病人衛生教育的重視,並建立正確的看法和做法,是衛生教育專業人員應努力的方向之一。




Noncompliance with the therapeutic regimen is one of the major factors responsible for the relatively low levels of high blood pressure control. A number of investigators have shown that compliance can be affected by physicians' behavior and by various aspects of the physician-patient relationship. Thus, the purposes of this study are to understand physicians' management of hypertension and to investigate the relationship between physicians' attituate toward patient education and their use of educational strategies in the management of hypertension. A survey was conducted to the physicians of Taipei City Hospitals. 61 physicians who are practicing Internal Medicine/Cardiovasology and have managed hypertensives were selected. Major results are following: (l) physicians manage hypertensives in different ways; (2) the proportion of physicians who are performing patient education is low; (3) the more positive the physicians’ attitude toward patient education, the higher rate the physicians' practice in patient education; (4) among the variables which affect physician' practice in patient education such as the years of working, attitude, age, position, and hospital, the most salient ones are age and hospital; (5) regarding physicians' interests in continuing education, ”drug treatment of hypertension” and ”complication of hypertension” are perceived to be the most interesting topices while ”patient education material” and ”behavioral treatment of hypertension” are perceived to be the least interesting topics. It is suggested that health education professionals should do their best to increase physicians' attention in patient education and to help them to estabilish approproate attitude toward patient education. Then, there is a great likelihood of performing patient education among those physicians.


Hypertension Compliance Patient Education


