  • 期刊


The Effect of Computerization on Clinical Practice of Health Center-Evaluation and Verification


自民國75年6月,桃園縣新屋鄉衛生所的群醫中心開始推動門診業務電腦化,電腦軟體爲配合群醫中心門診業務而設計,資料輸入主要爲處方單主檔、藥品主檔、疾病名稱主檔和病人資料主檔,經由處方單主檔,電腦即可自動批價及列印公、勞、農保月報表,再經由疾病名稱主檔即可列印疾病分類統計表,醫護人員可立即掌握社區病人的疾病型態;若經由藥品主檔即可列印藥品庫存表,此表顯示進貨、出貨和庫存量是否短缺,提醒藥局人員及時進藥,使藥庫管理充分電腦化;此外,病人掛號證忘記帶或遺失時,可以根據姓名、身分證號碼、出生日期、家中電話號碼中的任何一項,經由病人資料主檔查詢,由於電腦處理許多費時費事的工作,所以電腦化前三個月花在門診業務時間,平均每天爲10人時,電腦化以後兩個月,平均每天爲6人時,故平均每天可以節省4人時,一年下來可節省1,200人時(以每月25個工作天計算)。 由於每個群醫中心業務多寡不一,並非每個群醫中心皆適合電腦化,最佳的方式是在門診人數每日超過80人的時候,由群醫中心約聘一人,專門負責將資料輸入電腦。




In order to find whether the computerization of clinical practice of the health center will save us time, we'd chosen the Shin-Woo health center as our experimental clinic. The data entry included four parts: prescription, pharmacy, disease category and registration files. Through prescription' file, we could deal with the patient billing system including insurance claim processing. With the help of pharmacy file, we could manage the drugstore. Using the disease category file, we could analyse the distribution of patients by age, sex, race, or any other combination of variable. Comparisons were made, between the average manhours per day for a period of three months before computerization and the average manhours per day for a period of two months after computerization. The conclusions are follows: 1) The staffs of health center spent average 10 manhours per day before computerization, and spent average 6 manhours per day after computerization. This means 4 manhours was saved each day after computerization and the total went to 1200 manhours in one year. 2) Computer is helpful in managing drugstore, billing system, providing easy and quick information, Also it works very well in analysing the disease distribution. Furthermore, it contributes much in the follow up treatment of chronic disease patients. Whether the health center is fit for computerization depends on the patient loading. The best time is that the numbers of the patients exceed 80 per day.


