

由於護理活動影響醫療品質甚鉅,故研究護理活動及護理人員工作時間的分佈。茲將護理活動分爲四類:直接護理、間接護理、與單位有關的活動、私人時間。採用工作樣本研究法,觀察二個病房。結果被觀察的兩個病房,其護理活動分佈皆以間接護理爲最主要;每星期不同上班日(week day),其護理活動的分佈亦有所不同;病房工作的尖峰時間在上午9~10點、下午1~3點;與單位有關的活動是護理長最主要的活動,而個別護理人員的私人時間的分佈,除少數護士外,其餘大致相同。除此之外,本研究並討論施行主護護理(Primary care)的甲病房,與施行全責護理(total care)的乙病房之不同的護理活動分佈。本研究乃是國內第一個正式的護理人員時間分佈研究,期望對今後同類的護理研究,有抛磚引玉的作用,期能建立護理人員對時間分配的標準。




The pattern of nursing services is an important factor to affect the quality of medical services. Acknowledging of this, the anthor was motivated to conduct research on the time allocation of nursing personnel. Nursing activities were categorized into tour mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive groups: direct care, indirect care, unit related activities and personal activities Work sampling method was used and two nursing units were selected. The results revealed that: 1. Indirect activity is the most important activity (according to the time allocation). 2. The activity distributions vary with week days. 3. The two peaks of workload appear at 9-10 AM and 1-3 PM. 4. Unit related activies dominate head nurse's time allocation. Except few deviant nurses, all the other personnel have about the same time allocation on personal activities. 5. There are significant differences in between two nursing units. This study represents the first formal effort toward nursing operation. It is expected to arouse more similar and related studies to be done and thus the standards of nursing time allocation pattern can be established.

