  • 期刊


Enterprise-Based Occupational Health Management in the Future of Taiwan-Recommandations Based on a Field Trip to Five American and Japanese Companies


職業衛生管理的目的在於增進勞工生理的、心理的與社會的健康,企業基於維護勞工健康、減少職業災害、增進生產效率、提高經營利潤及建立勞資和諧和企業形象,必須將職業衛生管理列為整體企業管理的重心之一。本文收集美國New England Telephone、Bethlehem Steel Corporation、Shell Oil Company、Chevron Corporation,及日本Kashima Steel Work、等企業的職業衛生管理制度。就各企業的概況、職業衛生政策、管理組織、各項職業衛生計劃內容及職業衛生管理人員,嘗試比較分析其異同,同時將本國某鋼鐵公司的職業衛生管理制度與之對照,以對本國企業職業衛生管理的未來提出建議。我們歸納出下列數點未來特別值得本國職業衛生之優先發展與學習: 1.每個企業應當有明確的職業安全衛生政策,並在公司內確實教導全體員工執行。 2.企業內之安全衛生組織應具有能直通最高決策階層之權力,而能使其做成之決議在生產線上具有相當程度之優先。 3.企業應發展減毒減廢觀念於生產線,以妥善預防公害發生。尤其是在化學相關企業更應考慮將醫療、毒理、環境保護與職安全業衛生等單位,結合成一管理部門,以提昇毒物防治效率。 4.企業應發展有效之員工健檢與環境偵測計劃,並實施電腦化管理,以期早日偵知及預防危害。 5.本國未來應在企業中發展並推廣員工輔助計劃(Employee assistance program),以便維護人力及捉進員工之心理、社會的全面健康。 6.本國宜及早培植職業衛生相關科系之人才,可採與學術單位合作之工作獎學金或在職進修方式,也可為企業界作一些實際之安衛工作。




The objective of occupational health programs is to promote the physiological, psychological and social well-being of all workers. Corporate policy should implement an effective program to prevent occupational accidents and diseases, improve production efficiency and enhance labor relations. After on-site visits to 4 American Companies (New England Telephone, Bethlehem Steel, Shell Oil, Chevron Corporation), 1 Japanese company (Kashima Steel Works), and 1 Chinese company (a certain steel corporation), we have the following recommendations for the future development of corporate management of occupational health: (1) Every company should have a clear corporate policy for occupational health. After educating each employee about this policy, it should also be enforced. (2) Occupational safety and health (OSH) organization within a company should have a direct access to top management and production management so that the policy will get a high priority on the production line. (3) Concept of waste and toxics minmization should be integrated into OSH and implemented throughout the production line to prevent pollution. Chemical industry should also combine works involing medical and toxicology departments, OSH and environmental pollution control, perhaps into a single management department, to have a more effective control of hazards from toxic substances. (4) Industry should develop effective environmental and health monitoring programs and computerize these data in order to recognize early and analyze any suspicious health hazard for fast implementation of effective preventive measures. (5) Employee assistance programs should be considered as the first priority for our industry to develop and promote psychological and social well-beings in the future. (6) We should develop occupational health professionals, including doctors, nurses, and industrial hygienists as soon as possible in Taiwan. Such development can be done by a continued education of the people who are on the job, or through work-study scholarship for students in the academic institution.


