  • 期刊




本研究目的旨在瞭解我國優生保健法自民國七十四年實施以來,智障兒家長與有機會接觸到智障兒的相關專業人員(特教老師,衛生與社會工作人員),其對於優生保健的了解程度如何?而對於智障兒接受家庭計劃方法,例如服避孕藥、切除子宮、結紮手術等的意願及態度又如何?以期能有效地推動並落實優生保健的理念。 研究對象為12-30歲居住在台北市的智障者之父母們(智障者包括台北市國中益智班、智障發展中心的學生,以及居家的智障者),共二百三十七人;此外,台北市國中益智老師、普通班老師,及衛生與社會福利單位工作人員共兩百人,採問卷訪視方法進行。 研究結果顯示: (一)智障者家長對優生保健的認識有限,有四分之一的家長沒聽過優生保健法,有將近二分之一的家長不知道墮胎已合法化,也不知道各大醫院有優生保健門診。 (二)教育、衛生及社會工作者對於優生保健的了解程度雖較智障者家長為高,但並非完全了解;如對於施行人工流產或結紮手術醫師的資格認定,優生保健門診之服務內容。其中教育工作者的了解程度久低於衛生及社會工作者。 (三)對於智障女孩的避孕方法,多數支持採用「輸卵管結紮」。而有五分之一左右的家長認為輕度的智障女孩沒有必要採行避孕。 (四)多數受訪者贊成對智障男孩施行結紮手衍,但其意願隨著智障程度的減輕而降低。 (五)對於不贊成對智障男孩施行結紮手術者的原因,家長及教育工作者認為智障者若非遺傳所造成,則不會影響到下一代,應無施行手術的必要;而衛生與社會工作者則以會影響智障者身心發展為由而拒絕。




It will make the population of mental retarded decrease if every one can take advantage of the eugenic examination. Especially those mental retardeds and their families who might have possibility on heridity as well as early pervention on getting preganacy. The purpose of this study is to ivnestigate how much did the parents of the mental retarded and those professional personnel (special education teacher, social and hygiene worker) who had the chance to contact the mental retarded know about the eugenics, as well as to investigate the attitude of the parents and the professionals for having the mental retarded to accept the means of family planning such as oral pill, hysterectomy, sterilization, since 1985 when the Genetic health laws were implemented in Taiwan, Therefore, we can promote the idea of eugenics efficiently. Data were collected via a survey questionnaire. The subjects included 237 parents whose children were 12-30 years old mental retarded living in Taipei, and 100 teachers of Taipei junior high schools & 100 workers of hygiene and social welfare administrations. The results were as follows: 1. Parents' acknowledge of eugenics were limited. 1/4 parents never heard about the Genetic health laws. About 1/2 parents didn’t know that abortion has been legalized and there were eugenic clinics in those teaching hospitals of Taipei city. 2. The professional personnel knew more about eugenics than parents, but not very well. For instance, they knew neither about the qualification of the physicians who can perform sterlizaion and abortion operation for patients nor the contents of eugenic clinics in hospitals very clearly. The knowledge of school educators were less than those health workers. 3. In terms of the contraceptions of the mental retarded girls, most subjects supported the ”Tubal Sterilization”, but there were 1/5 parents conceived that it is not necessary to take contraception. 4. Most subjects agreed to perform the sterilization operation for mental retarded boys, but the intention decreased with the level of mental retardation. 5. As to the reasons of objection to the sterilizaion operation for mental retarded boys, parents and teachers mentioned that of the mental retardaion din't caused by genetics, it wouldn’t influence the offsprings, then it is not necessary to perform the operation. The hygienic and social workers indicated that it would influence the physical and mental development of the mental retarded.


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