  • 期刊


School-Aged Children's Concepts of Health and Illness


本研究的目的在探讨兒童對疾病及健康的觀念。研究對象是台北市某國小3-6年級男女學童354名,採取開放式的問卷進行施測。根據認知發展理論,不同年齡的兒童對疾病和健康的概念也有所不同,由具體、知覺性、生理的概念,到抽象,非知覺性、心理的概念,會呈現階段性的差異。 研究的結果可歸納成下列幾點:(一)不同年級的兒童,對疾病與健康的概念也有所差異。(二)兒童對於疾病的概念多偏向以生理層面(87.2%)來解釋,只有少部份到心理層面(6.0%),並沒有學童提到人際關係良好等社會層面的因素也和疾病的發生有關。(三)在生病處理方式上,多數提到是藉由外力的方式來處理(91.8),五、六年級有10.3%的學童提到以自我控制的方式來處理,如:多休息,多喝開水等。(四)在健康的定義上,生理層面的定義居多占69.8%,心理層面的占16.0%,並未提到社會層面的定義。(五)有88.3%的兒童認為促進健康的方法是要有良好的行為。(六)年級愈高對生病原因和健康定義的敘述項目愈多。此外,性別在各變項上並無顯著差異。 根據結果,我們建議:(1)從事與兒童保健相關的工作人員,應了解不同階段之兒童,在疾病和健康觀念上的差異。(2)兒童健康教育的教材對疾病的原因和過程,要儘量具體,並詳加解釋而不是只有描述。(3)父母親若能對子女生病的原因做具體的解說,則將有助於子女預防下一次疾病的發生。(4)應加強兒童在生理、心理、社會三個層面之整體性的健康觀念。




This study presents the development of children's concepts of health and illness based on Piaget's stage theory. Open-ended questions regarding the reasons for and the construction of health and illness were presented to 354 third to sixth grade students in a Taipei elementary school. Additional questions explored students' understandings of disease management and health promotion. Results indicate 1/Different concepts are formed over the different grade levels. 2/Most students see the origin of disease in physiological processes (87.2%). Only 6% mentioned psychological reasons and none of the students saw social factors as potential causes of illness. 3/A full 91.8% of students stated their reliance on external controls; however, 10.3% of fifth and sixth grade students saw self control as a means to manage sickness. 4/As to the factors promoting health, 69.8% of students referred to physiological processes, 16% mentioned psychological factors-but none saw social factors being involved in the construction of health. 5/Eighty-eight percent of students reported that doing good can promote health. 6/The older the student, the more elaborate the accounts offered for states of health and illness. 7/ There were no sex differences in the development of health and illness concepts. We present 4 implications for consideration: 1/ Health workers should understand the development of children's conceptions of illness. 2/ Teaching methods in health education should be concrete and provide more examples. 3/ Parents should be more specific in their descriptions of disease to the end of increasing children's understanding and ability to prevent disease while minimizing potential guilt feelings. 4/ Greater efforts should be made in the future to promote the bio-psychosocial view of illness and health.
