  • 期刊


Recognition of the Hazards and Uses of Glycol Ethers in Taiwan


醇醚類是一種屬於中高沸點的兩性溶劑,在化工界裡用途廣泛。1980年代,歐美化工界展開一場E系列醇醚與P系列醇醚的大戰,在毒性化學物質管制法(TSCA)的主導下,代謝產物爲烷氧醋酸(alkoxy acetic acid),具有生殖毒性及致畸胎作用的E系列醇瞇,漸失嬌寵,而代謝成較與毒性丙二醇(Propylene glycol)的P系列醇醚則頗獲青睬。延至1988年,美國OSHA及歐洲諸國先後對E系列醇醚加強管制,部分E系列醇瞇的生產大廠相繼有停產某些產品與販賣的措施。值此世界潮流,我們十分關切國內業界的使用情形及其對於E系列醇瞇溶劑生殖毒性的認知與態度,遂進行本研究。 在研究期間,我們拜訪了歐、美、日各大國生產E系列醇醚與P系列醇醚的在台分公司代理商和經銷商;接著以親自訪問或郵寄問卷方式,訪問各類使用E系列醇醚與P系列醇瞇的工廠;同時透過國貿局進口貨品查詢等過程,對於國內工業界在乙二醇醚類溶劑的使用與認知方面獲得初步瞭解。目前,國內的乙二醇醚類溶劑完全仰賴進口,我們估計,國內一年的消耗乙二醇醚類溶劑數量如下:2-ME 2,500-3,000噸;2-EE 1, 200-1, 800噸;2-EEA 5,000-8,000噸;2-BE 8,000-10,00噸。工業界對於低分子量乙二醇醚類溶劑具生殖危害毒性與皮膚吸收危險性的認知相當缺乏,瞭解者僅止於上游供應者及少數大型工廠。面對工業界知的斷層,深覺物質安全資料表(MSDS)制度的建立和法規標準的修訂乃當務之急,而職業衛生教育則是斧底抽薪,徹底解決國人漠視毒性物質危害的唯一管道。


Glycol ethers (including glycol ether esters) are a group of solvents with medium-high boiling points and low evaporation rates, possessing the solvent characteristics of alcohol/ ethers (or ether/ester) functions. They have been widely used in coatings and in various industries for more than half a century. Recently, the lower molecular weight E-series glycol ethers have been found to have reproductive and teratogenic toxicity. Based on the potential toxicity of E-series glycol ethers, ACGIH adopted new TLVs in 1984; Japan, Germany, and Sweden, also lowered their exposure standards in 1990, 1986 and 1991, respectively. As a result, most manufacturers of E-series glycol ethers have also taken action to stop the production or sell of these potentially hazardous products. In response to the impact of this worldwide transition transition from the E-to P-series, this study focuses on the types and quantities of these solvents being used in Taiwan, and the knowledge of users about the potential toxic effects. In this study, we found that large quantities of E-series glycol ethers are imported and used in Taiwan. Our estimates are: 2-ME, 2,500-3,000 tons; 2-EE, 1,200-1,800 tons; 2EEA, 5, 000-8, 000 tons; and 2-BE, 8, 00010, 000 tons annually. About 70% to 80 % are used in the coating industry. Lack of recognition of the potential toxic effects and the possibility of skin absorption are common among users. In con elusion, increased occupational health education, modification of current legislation and the providing of substitutes are urgently needed.


