  • 期刊


A Comparative Study of Maternal-Child Interaction between High and Low Social Economic Groups


親子互動關係對子女成長的重要性,已不容置疑。國內有關親職教養態度的研究,大多偏向問卷法。本研究希望發展出健康專業人員在臨床或社區服務時能觀察到母子互動的情形,以作爲更進一步增進親職教育的參考。 本研究主要目的在於:(1)發展觀察母子“生活互動量表”、“教學量表”;(2)探求教育及經濟因素對母子互動關係及影響;本研究乃採用量性、差異性研究設計。由方便取樣找到社經地位較高和社經地位較低之幼稚園。經取得教師及家長同意,護理人員至個案家中觀察在進餐前至進餐後母子互動關係而完成“生活互動量表”、及觀察母親在教導兒童學某項目時之母子互動關係而完成“教學量表”。 研究結果顯示:(1)有34位高社經情境組的家庭及30位低社經情境組的家庭參與,兒童性別男女約各半。兒童年齡有一半在2-3歲,其餘在4-5歲。(2)由觀察法評估的“生活互動量表”、“教學量表”大部分的項目得到適當的一致度之支持。(3)高社經情境組的母親或兒童在生活情境或教導情境中皆表現得比低社經情境組的正向。(4)在生活情境(進食前至後)中,母親正向、溫暖、自由及鼓勵的態度可促使幼兒行爲正向、自主及較少好動。(5)在教情境中母親與兒童之表現並未呈現有意義相關。 本研究最主要的貢獻乃在於發展出具體觀察親子互動關係的評估工具;了解不同社會經濟情境對母子互動關係的影響;以及母子互動關係中彼此影響的相關性。希望此研究結果能增進對親子關係之了解,希望健康專業人員或相關專業人員能在臨床或社區服務時能觀察與評估母子互動的情形,以進一步能促進正向親子關係,協助兒童正向行爲的發展,並作爲未來相關研究之參考。


There is little doubt that maternal-child interaction plays a very important role in child development. Most domestic studies utilize questionnaires to assess parenting attitudes. This study was aimed at developing an observational measurement, which could be adapted by health professionals to clinical or community services and could be used to provide advanced knowledge of parenting educational needs. The specific goals of this study were: 1) to develop two observational measurements, the ”Life Interaction Scale” (US) and the ”Teaching Scale” (TS); and 2) to understand the influence of socio-economic factors on maternal-child interaction. In this study, a quantitative research design was used. The subjects, recruited from kindergartens, were from 34 families with a high socio-economic status and 30 families with a low socio-economic status. Both groups included the same number of boys and girls. Half of the children were aged from 2 to 3 yeaus, and the other half were aged from 4 to 5 years. With the consent of the teachers and parents, nurses observed and assessed the maternal-child interactions at the clients' home during a time when the children were eating or were being taught. The results showed: 1) the observational tools of the US and the TS in this study were supported by satisfactory inter-rater agreement; 2) better maternal-child interaction (LIS and TS) was observed in families with a higher socio-economic status; 3) more positive, warmer and encouraging maternal attitudes facilitated more positive and spontaneous attitudes and less activity in children, according to the US; and 5) there were no significant associations between maternal and childhood behavior in the TS. The contributions of this study are the development of observational measurements, and an understanding of the influence of socio-economic status on maternal-child interactions. Health personnel can use these tools to assess maternal-child interactions, to enhance positive interactions, to facilitate good child development, and to provide a reference for related research in the future.


