  • 期刊


Racial Differences in Cerebrovascular Diseases: A Comparison between Chinese and Other Races


腦血管疾病爲中國大陸最常見的死因;在台灣,自1963年至1982年腦中風亦爲十大死因之首,1983年始爲第二死因,僅次於癌症,每年仍有15000人左右死於該病。根據大陸六萬人的大型研究中指出,中國人腦中風的發生率約爲心肌梗塞的5倍,爲北美人發生率的1.5位:其疾病的發病型態有三分之一爲腦出血,是北美人的3倍。 腦血管疾病病灶分佈有很大的種族差異,黑人及日本人有較多的顱內血管病變;白種人的病灶部位則大都分佈於顱外。中國人有明顯的顱內血管病變,與黑人及日本人較爲相似。 一般而言,中國人與亞洲其他種族(包括日本人)腦出血比例及顱內血管病變,比西方種族相對較多,此種種族上的差異,至今仍無法解釋,有待進一步探討。就腦血管疾病的發生,雖然高血壓、及某些環境、飲食習慣扮演重要角色,遺傳因子的影響對亞洲人而言也是一可能的決定因素。




Cerebrovascular diseases are the most common cause of death in mainland China. It was the leading cause of death from 1963 to 1982, and has become the second cause of death afterward in Taiwan. The stroke incidence in China is more than fivefold that of myocardial infarction. The incidence is about 1.5 times of that in North America. Intracerebral hemorrhage causes about one third of all strokes in China, nearly three times the proportion reported by stroke registries in North America. The distribution of cerebrovascular lesions varies in different races. Blacks and Japanese have more intracranial cerebrovascular disease, while whites have more extracranial disease. The preponderance of intracranial vascular leisons in Chinese is similar to that seen in blacks and Japanese. The reasons why Chinese and other Asian populations including Japanese are proned to intracerebral hemorrhage and intracranial leisons remain to be elucidated. Although environmental and dietary factors and hypertension play some important roles, genetic components supported by the relative higher incidence of other intracranial artheriopathies (e.g., moyamoya disease) may also be singnificant determinants in Asians.
