  • 期刊


A Survey on Characterization and Disposal of Solid Wastes in Rural Areas


台灣地區近年來的垃圾問題,由於垃圾量的劇增、種類的日益複雜、污染的全面性及地狹人稠等因素,已成爲最棘手的污染防治工作之一。本研究調查鄉村地區家戶,處理、回收及製造垃圾的情形,以做爲政府在鄉村地區誰行資源物質回收及垃圾減量的參考。本研究在考慮地理位置、鄉鎮特性等因素後選出具有代表性的二十個鄉鎮做爲研究對象,並區分成農村輔導區、農村一般區、漁村地區及山地地區等四種。各鄉鎮經多步驟隨機抽樣選出六十個家戶,總計一千二百戶做爲樣本進行問卷訪視。結果有效回收問卷爲一千一百三十七份,回收率爲93.2%。 本研究結果發現,18.2%的家戶有自己焚燒垃圾的行爲,其中又以農村輔導區最多。主要的原因是認爲燃燒乾淨又衛生。9.8%的家戶有任意傾倒垃圾的行爲,尤以山地地區最嚴重,主要的原因是垃圾車沒有來。在資源垃圾的回收方面,廢機車最好,佔80.9%;而寶特瓶最差,僅佔8.2%。在製造用完即丟及巨大垃圾方面,家戶一年內曾購買塑膠袋最多,佔36.1%;保麗龍餐具最少,佔14.4%;而電視機的使用年限多數超過十年,洗衣機超過五年。 本研究建議:(一)改進清運狀況。擴大指定清除區,購買較小型垃圾車深入巷道內清運,因定清運時間,提高清運頻率較少的地區之清運頻率等,以減少家戶任意傾倒垃圾的情形。(二)全面普遍的建立適合當地的回收糸統管道。目前有些可回收物質尚無回收管道,有些回收管道並不普及,都有持改善。(三)鄉村垃圾問題亦應受重視。不該只將垃圾推往鄉村地區,應針對農、漁、山地等地之地區及垃圾特性,加強減廢、堆肥、壓縮固化之研究及可行性探討,以減輕日益嚴重的垃圾問題。




In Taiwan, the production amounts of solid wastes increased significantly in recent then years. Solid waste becomes a new emerging serious enviromnent problem lately. The major purpose of this investigation was to characterize the productions and displsal methods of solid waste in the rural areas of Taiwan. This study was conducted in twenty rural townships, including twelve agriculture, five fishing, and three mountainous villages. These twenty areas were selected in terms of sanitary situation, geogrpphical location, and characteristics of economic activity. Sixty households were chosen by stratified sampling method from each of these twenty rural townships for interview using a predesigned-questionnaire. The qrestionnaires contain basic demographic data and economic conditions of the household; frequency and disposal methods of solid waste such as composting, incinerating, or dumping; practice of recycling/reusable waste, the frequency of collection, the opinions on current waste disposal, and so on. In addition, the characteristics of treated waste, the efficiency of treatment; the possibility of secondary air pollution, and the cost-benefit of self-treated methods were also evaluated during the household survey. The results strongly suggested that a lot of works need to be done regarding the disposal of solid waste in rural areas. First, the frequency of solid waste collection in rural areas should be increased in order to prevent dumping. Second, an effective recyling system should be established islandwide to collect reusable resources. Third, the solid waste problems in rural areas should also be paid attention ahead by the Environmental Protection Agency.


Solid Waste Rural Area
