  • 期刊


Demand for Health Insurance by University Students in Taiwan, R.O.C


本研究以全國公和立大學(院)一、四年級學生爲研究對象。採複式隨機抽樣法抽取醫學院、非工學院、及師範學院的大一及大四2733名學生,完成有效樣本數爲1215名;回收率爲44%。本研究的主要目的在於瞭解大學生對全民健康保險的參加意願及需求;建立大學生對健康保險需求的隱性結構模式;並分析其相關因素。 76%受訪學生知道自己投保學生平安保險。10%的學生有人壽保險。99%聽過全民健康保險。85%學生知道全民健康保險的用意在於風險分擔。81%的學生表示一定會參加全民健康保險。54%認爲應強制參加。63%認爲目前勞保保費是合理的。七成左右的學生認爲健康檢查、門診、生育、住院應列爲全民健康保險醫療給付項目。47%認爲老人應優先納入。42%認爲全民健康保險的財源,應一半來自稅收、一半來自保費。 分析醫學院及非醫學院學生的全民健康保險看法結構顯示:非醫學院學生,7%爲「反保險型」、90%爲「保險開放型」、3%爲「盲從型」。醫學院學生,13%爲「反健保型」、82%爲「保險開放型」、5%爲「擁護型」。非醫學院學生「反保險型」較「盲從型」者,有較高的比例認爲目前460元的保費不合理。醫學院「反健保型」較「擁護型」有較高的比例傾向自由參加;「保險開放型」較「擁護型」有較高的人毒保險率。同時,不願意參加全民健康保險者較願意參加者,有較高的比例知道有學生平安保險、較高的認爲保費不合理率、且認爲合理的保費金額較高、並贊成採自由參加方式。本研究結果將對全民健康保險保險對象的逐步納入;保險給付內容、保險費率、部份負擔等的訂定提供基本的重要參考資料。


This study examined university students' demand for Health Insurance in Taiwan. The data were collected from a questionnaire administered to 1215 university students of their first and fourth grades in 1990 (response rate of 44%). The results showed that 76% of participants knew about Student Security Insurance, but only 10% had life insurance. Regarding National programs, a total of 99% had heard about National Health Insurance, 81% intended to join NHI and 54% agreed on compulsory insurance. 63% considered the current premium of Labor Insurance to be reasonable, while 42% thought that the major financial source If NHI should come from taxes and premium. Most students admitted that the insurance coverage should include physical examination, physician visits, hospital admission, and maternity care, and that aged people should be included as the first priority group. The latent structure model lf the demand for health insurance showed that: for non- medical students, anti-insurance level was 7%, insurance-open level was 90%, and ignorance level was 3%. For medical students, anti-NHI level was 13%, insurance-open level was 82%, and NHI-support level was 5%. For non-medical students, the anti-insurance level had a higher proportion considering the current premium to be unreasonable as compared to the ignorance level. For medical students, comparing with the NIH-support level, the anti-NHI level were more likely to choose voluntary participation in NHI and the insurance- open level had a higher rate of enrolling in life insurance. The students, who not willing to join NHI, were more inclined to choose voluntary participation in NHI, and expeccted a higher rational primium than those who were willing to.
