  • 期刊


The Mortality Rate, Years of Potential Life Lost and Its Monetary Value of Deaths Caused by Motor Vehicle Accidents


本研究乃利用行政院衛生署、臺灣省衛生處、及內政部之生命及人口統計資料與行政院主計處和經濟建設委員會合編之臺灣地區人力運用調查報告中之性別、年齡別國民平均薪資所得,計算1972至1990年間,因惡性贅瘤、腦血管疾病及機動車交通事故所造成之死亡率、潛在生命及薪資損失。結果發現過去19年來,機動車交通事故造成之累積死亡率有逐年上升之趨勢、1972、1981、1990年之終生累積死亡率各為1.51%,2.97%,及3.28%。潛在生命年數損失(years of Potential life lost; YPLL)上,機動車交通事故在1972、1981、1990年的損失各為每千人5.82,12.14,及13.50年,損失年數比惡性贅瘤稍低,但卻高淤腦血管疾病。在潛在工作年數(working years of potential life lost; WYPLL)及價值年數損失(valued years of potential life lost; VYPLL)計量中,損失最多的約為機動車交通事故。而潛在薪資所得損失上,1990年時,機動車交通事故、惡性贅瘤及腦血管疾病死亡所造成的損失,分別為183、173、及63億元。以上只是死亡的部分,尚未計算醫療及其它種種無形損失如果再加上受傷的部分則損失更為龐大。參照警政署的資料,發現車禍後24小時內死亡之比率持續下降,從1972年的91%降到1989年的52%:但本研究之結果,終生累積死亡率則有持續上升的趨勢,顯示只改善院內急放醫療服務、無法實際降低死亡率,未來更須從預防及改善院外急救服務著手。吾人建議政府應多分配資源於機動車交通事故之防治,以減少社會損失。


The objectives of this paper are to measure the mortality rates, years of potential life lost (YPLL's) and the loss of income from the death of motor vehicle accidents during 1972-1990, and to compare with those from malignant neoplasms and cerebrovascular disease (CVA). Data of demography (sex-, age-, specific population) and mortality were obtained from vital statistics, while income data were abstracted from the National Statistical Department and adjusted for annual productivity increase rate, discount rate, labor force participation rate, and unemployment rate. The result show that the time trend of cumulative mortality rate (CMR) from motor vehicle accidents has steadily increased during the last 19 years. The CMR before age 75 are 1.5 1%, 2.97%, and 3.28% in 1972, 1981, and 1990. The YPLL's from motor vehicle accidents are less than those from malignant neoplasms but greater than those from CVA. However, the WYPLL's (working years of potential life lost) and VYPLL's (valued years of potential life lost) from motor vehicle accidents are greater than those from the other two causes of death. The time trend of these YPLLs, WYPLLs, and VYPLL's from motor vehicle accidents have also increased during this period. The YPLL per 1,000 population are 5.82, 12.14, and 13.50 years in 1972, 1981, and 1990. The loss of wage income in 1990 from motor vehicle accidents, malignant neoplasms and CVA are estimated to be NT$18.3, 17.3 and 6.3 billions; but the numbers do not include the costs of medical and other impact of the family and society. We have also found that the first 24 hour mortality rates of motor vehicle accidents have decreased from 91% in 1972 down to 52% in 1989, which indicates an improvement of post-hospital emergency care. We conclude that our society should allocate more resource on the prevention of motor vehicle accidents and future research and policy should focus more on pre-hospital care and preventive strategy as well.


