  • 期刊


The Interaction between Recreationists and Green Sea Turtles: Assessing Sustainable Tourism in Liuqiu Island




This study aims to assess sustainable tourism on an island using the evidence from the interaction between recreationists and green sea turtles. Two stages of research were conducted on Liuqiu Island. During the first stage, a field survey approach was employed to survey how recreationists' recreational activities affect the behaviors of green sea turtles. In the second stage, an in-depth interview approach was carried out to assess how the marine conservation and green sea turtle tourism affects the island's sustainable tourism. The findings suggested that the recreationists' diving activities affected the sea turtles' behaviors of feeding, surfacing, resting, and investigating time. The diving and recreational activities of the recreationists and local residents as well as the movement of ships affected the survival of green sea turtles and their habitat use. Given that marine ecological tourism involving green sea turtles is unique to Liuqiu Island, the local tourism authority should establish mechanisms to locate and manage natural resources properly and implement environmental education to enhance the protection of the natural environment. This paper contributes to academic research and tourism management practices by presenting findings that can facilitate sustainable tourism development on islands.


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