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Mainland China's Unilateral Peace Diplomacy and the Relationality Model: Is Xi Jinping Articulating a New Strategy, or Just Playing Hu Jintao's Same Old Tune?




Since the end of the Cold War, Chinese foreign policy has faced the dilemma between defending China's sovereignty and making compromises with the Western world: ensuring self-interests vs. making self-sacrifice. When Chinese President Xi Jinping vowed to rejuvenate the Chinese nation - "Chinese dream", he put forward an idea of forging a new model of major power relationship between China and the U.S. However, it remains in dispute whether President Xi's "Chinese dream", with the strategic direction known as fenfa youwei (striving for achievement), implies an intention to challenge U.S. power. This paper investigates China's new diplomacy, especially China's unilateral peace policy, and discusses whether and what is new about this diplomacy.


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