  • 期刊


Policy Experimentation and Test Sites: China's Public Hospital Reforms




This paper explores the logic of China's policy experimentation through an examination of public hospital reforms. For a long time, "experimentalism" has been summarized by many China scholars as the basic model of policy reform in China. In recent development, many researchers focus on bottom-up local innovations, and the study on top-down policy experimentation with local test sites is relatively insufficient. To have a better grasp of China's gradual style of reform, this paper focuses on top-down policy experimentation and examines how the Chinese central government selected local test sites in public hospital reforms. The results show that the prefectures and counties with lower levels of economic development were more likely to be selected as test sites. This is because medical problems were more serious in poor areas, and implementing the reform in these places would meet less resistance. This paper provides large-N evidence and case study research to this argument. In order to have positive feedback of experimentation, the central government tended to choose the localities with a higher probability for the reform to be successful. In other words, the logic of choosing local test sites is to demonstrate the merits of reform.


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