  • 期刊


Exploring PRC's Concept of Cyber Sovereignty


近年來網路攻擊事件已經對一個國家的政治、經濟與軍事造成一定的影響。其主要原因是國家行為者,在國家境內無法針對跨國境資料流動實施管轄。各國相繼成立「網路安全法」,賦予政府可以監控資訊流動,以保障網路用戶與企業資料安全,及強化國家境內關鍵基礎設施資安防護。因此,形塑網路空間主權,建構資料在地化(data localization)管理,已成為解決網路空間衝突、分攤維護國際和平的可行性手段。雖然建立資料在地化管理,可以保護個人、企業與國家安全。然而,本研究發現,中共形塑的網路空間主權,自2016年《網絡安全法》頒布後,政府部門依法對境內的網路用戶、網路營運商實施管轄,其網路空間已建構出與世界網路隔離的內部網路。與此同時,中國政府整合軍、民網路產業合作,其所建構出的網路空間疆界,在政治上,已對現行網路空間秩序產生衝擊。經濟上,將增加全球網路營運商進入中國大陸市場的成本,致使貿易保護形成,不利於全球化經濟發展。此外,軍事上,在國安部門獲得外商進入中國大陸市場所繳出的商品原始碼後,將有利於掌握、監控他國網路資訊,為戰時創造出不對稱作戰優勢。總體而言,中共所形塑的網路主權,絕非僅是強化國家境內的網路安全,而實現強國夢、強軍夢的具體表現。


Given the number of cyber-attacks in recent years, it has been confirmed that cyber-attacks can cause a huge impact on a state's political, economic, and military aspects due to the fact that the state actors cannot exercise jurisdiction over cross-border data flows within the territories. A so-called Cyber-Security Law was therefore established by states to empower their governments to monitor the flow of data in order to safeguard the security of users and enterprises in the cyberspace, as well as to strengthen the information security protection of national critical infrastructures in the state. Therefore, the shaping of cyber sovereignty and the construction of data in localized management have become extremely important tools for preventing cyber conflicts and maintaining international peace. Technically, generating data can be managed locally so that personal, business, and national security can be protected. However, this study finds that, in terms of China's cyber sovereignty, since the "Cyber-Security Law" was promulgated in 2016, by law, the CCP has legitimacy to implement jurisdictions in internet users and telecom operators, and also shape cyber sovereignty into an isolated network from the world's networks. At the same time, the Chinese government has integrated its military and civilian networking industry to create a so-called cyber territoriality. Politically, it has had an impact on the current order in cyberspace. Economically, it may increase the cost of global network operators entering the Chinese mainland market, resulting in the formation of trade protection, which is not conducive to global economic development. In addition, when the national security department has obtained the source codes of foreign merchants entering the China's market, the department may use this information to facilitate the controlling and monitoring of information in other countries' networks and to create asymmetric operational advantages in the wartime. In conclusion, the strategic implication of China's cyber sovereignty is not only to strengthen the national cyber security, but also to realize the dream of great power and the dream of a powerful military.


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