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Endogenous Institutions and Economic Growth: An Empirical Evidence Look into the Economic Performance at the County Level in the Hebei Province from 1952~1998




Institutions good for long-term economic growth are always endogenous to the historical process that it formed. By investigating the conflicts during the Anti-Japanese War in Hebei, we found that the war shaped the de-facto political power of local elites by shaping their choice of institutions and policy, which then influenced the economic performance. We also present that the two sides of the de-facto political power had different impacts on the economic growth. County cadres with stronger capacity in collective action and social mobilization due to the strength of military forces would have incentive to protect property rights and withstand the pressure to extract economic resources excessively. However, county cadres with close connections to the higher-level authority due to the distribution of CCP's committees in the warfare area would extract more economic resources, which in turn led to poorer growth performance.


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