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The Logic of States' Actions under the Multiple Threat Structure: Analysis of the Warring State System's Alliance Strategy




By examining the Balance of Power (BOP) theory, this article suggests that the BOP theory can only supply a lopsided view to explain the strategy of the state in an individual case. Besides, the predictions of the BOP theory frequently are the opposites of history, and the violations of the BOP logic seem to leave behind a systematic and tendentious rule of actions. According to the assumption of structuralism, the interactions of logic at the micro-level are dominated by the logic at the macro-level; however, this article argues that there is a systematic logic which is entirely different to the BOP logic in the Warring State system. The logic of the Warring State system is unique because of the Multiple Threat Structure in it. The logic of the Warring State system is unique because of the Multiple Threat Structure that is included in it. However, powerful and independent states in the Warring State Period cannot be explained by this due to the BOP theory, which is limited to dealing with multiple threat scenarios. Therefore, the BOP theory cannot be the guiding principle when states are choosing their strategy of actions. Instead, "Hobbesian Logic" becomes the rule of interactions under the Multiple Threat Structure.


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