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The CCP's United Front Work Evolution: The Comparative Study Before and After the Handover of Hong Kong




統戰工作 泛民主派 籠絡 分化


This study adopts a comparative perspective in exploring the evolution of the "United Front work" (UF work) of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) before and after the handover of Hong Kong (HK). UF work has played an important role in the development of the CCP, the continuation of the regime, and its foreign policy. However, it was not until the Umbrella Movement of 2014 that scholars renewed their attention on this issue. With the increasingly complex situation both internally and externally for the People's Republic of China (P.R.C.), the CCP recently has expressed its intent to strengthen the functioning of UF work. Therefore, this article examines UF work in HK and constructs an analytical framework to provide empirical evidence and theoretical dialogue. This article points out that the core goal of UF work is to consolidate the leadership of the CCP. In its early days, UF work sought to establish alliances to counter its main enemies. In later stages, it turned to the strategies of "cooptation" and "differentiation" of potential enemies. UF work operates using strategies to achieve goals flexibly, based on the different goals for each stage. For example, the early UF work in HK mainly relied on the cooptation of HK capitalists to counter the British colonial administration. After obtaining the support of HK elites which facilitated the handover, it adjusted its strategies to focus more on "splitting" and "containing" the Pan-democracy camp to consolidate political power. The paper concludes that UF work indeed enables the CCP to continue its political dominance. However, the increasing contradictions between China and HK also show that difficulties still exist. Hence, it is necessary to continue to pay attention to the future development of UF work.


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