  • 期刊


Preliminary Investigation of Transmedia Narratives and the Process of Narrative Brand Expansion: Transmedia Adaptation in Picturebooks




Transmedia narrators can use the intermediacy of images and text as a foundation to develop story networks. These narrators can also use various forms of technology to recreate a variety of aesthetic responses in readers. In this study, we analyzed the narrative strategies of adaptation in examples of transmedia adaptation among winners of international picture book awards. In artistic terms, the horizons of expectation of adapters, the readers of fiction, and the inviting structures extended from intermediacy play key roles in aesthetic communication. How adapters use the materials of intermediacy as filler or to expand on negative speculation also influences the relaying process. In this study, we clarified that in addition to considering aesthetic judgments, adaptation must also adhere to the economy of aesthetics.


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Channel 4 News (2012). Jon Snow Meets The Snowman. Channel 4 News Website .Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZdC57YQ32Ls
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