  • 期刊


A Study of Interests and Distributive Justice of Urban Renewal in Taiwan




Due to the event of Wen Lin Yuan, urban renewal in Taiwan has drawn more attention. Accordingly, the society gets to examine the issues of interests and interest distribution involved in urban renewal. The study uses content analysis, literature review, and depth interview to review the Act of Urban Renewal to clarify the types and contents of private and public interests, and fairness of urban renewal. Moreover, it explores the problems of interest distribution and distributive justice based on the viewpoints of Liberalism, Utilitarianism, A theory of Justice, and Communitarianism. The research results indicate that the laws and regulations of urban renewal do provide more benefits to some private groups, and the private interests of urban renewal exceed public interests. In addition, the urban renewal in Taiwan is fully accordance with the principles of Utilitarianism and fair equality of opportunity, instead of the rests of Liberalism, Pareto optimum, Hicks-Kaldor Criterion, A theory of Justice (liberties, the difference principle) and Communitarianism. The study results offer a suggestion to the modification of the Act of Urban Renewal.


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