  • 期刊

Brain Drain Issue and Health Professionals' Migration from West Africa



Despite being home to 25% of the global burden of disease, sub- Saharan Africa only has 3% of the global health workforce. A major contributory factor to this lack of human resources for the health workforce includes the migration of health professionals to rich countries. Using nominal, ordinal and scale items, this paper investigates the migration intentions of West African health professionals, and the factors that are likely to predict their decision to emigrate. An online survey of 118 health professionals who participated in the Young Professional Internship Program (YPIP) of the West African Health Organization (WAHO) from 2005-2013 was undertaken. The response rate was 84.7% (100/118), of which 74% were public health officers and 26% were medical doctors. The results of the descriptive analysis show that health professionals intending to emigrate will generally do so for career development related factors. These include opportunities for career development, suitable job match, job promotion, and independent control of practice. Multiple regression analysis shows that variables such as gender, marital status, working hours, previous job tenure and country of previous job tenure, and source of job information are all significant predictors in their decisions to migrate (p < 0.05). The migration intentions expressed in this study suggest high emigration potential among these West African health professionals, and calls for the development of effective interventions to reduce their brain drain from the West African health sector.


非洲的疾病負擔占全球的25%,但其衛生專業人員則只占全球的3%。缺少衛生專業人力的最主要原因在於衛生專業人員的全球遷移。本研究調查西非衛生專業人員的遷移意圖,並找出預測遷移的影響因子。利用網路問卷,收集118位曾經參與2005-2013年間世界衛生組織在西非(WAHO)成立的青年專業實習計畫(YPIP)的衛生專業人員。問卷回收率93.2%(100/118),其中公共衛生官員74%,醫療人員26%。描述性分析結果顯示出衛生專業人員的遷移受到職涯發展的相關因子影響,包括職涯發展機會(93%)、適合的工作配對(90%)、工作升遷(73%)和工作上的獨立性(72%)。多元迴歸分析顯示性別、婚姻狀況、工作時數、以前的工作資歷、以前工作的國家和工作資訊是否透過社會網絡而來,是影響遷移重要預測因子(p < 0.05)。西非衛生專業人員具有全球遷移的傾向,呼籲進行有效干涉以降低西非衛生領域的潛在人才外流。


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