  • 期刊


Successful Key Factors of the Culture and Creativity of Indigo Dyeing Techniques Through the Resource- Based Theory- A Case Study of the Indigo Dyeing House of Zhuo Ye in Miaoli


植物藍染為台灣早期客家族群的傳統服飾工藝,其產值雖 高卻極富含地方特色、工藝傳承與文化價值,促使本研究欲了解客家藍染發展的關鍵成功因素。本研究採質性的個案研究法,透過資源理論探討其所具有的成功因素之核心資源,研究結果發現卓也藍染發展的關鍵因素為:(1) 有效活用在地資源(2) 個別因素整合創造新優勢(3) 持之以恆,找出與眾不同處(4) 利益共享模式。本研究建議地方發展藍染產業,應先檢視自身核心資源,並凝聚地方居民及顧客對於文化的認同感。建議後續學者可深入探討品牌形象,對客家地方特色產業發展藍染文化創意的影響。


Indigo dyeing techniques were the early traditional dyeing technology on clothing among Hakka cultural groups in Taiwan. This special skill of the plan dyeing contains rich cultural values and local features. It is worth to be preserved and passed by generations. Therefore, this research investigated the successful and critical factors of the development of Indigo dyeing through the resource-based theory by the case study of Zhuo Ye. Findings of success factors of the Indigo dyeing house of Zhuo Ye included: (1) To adopting local resource to the company effectively (2) To create new advantages through integrations of the company strategies and resources (3) To differentiate itself from other competitors (4) Benefit-sharing model. Finally, the present study suggested that companies of Indigo dyeing should review its own core resource and condense the centripetal force of cultural identity among local residences and customers. The present study suggested the follow up research can explore in depth on the brand image and the impact of the Hakka local features on cultural and creative industries of Indigo dyeing.


