  • 期刊


Factors of Product Endorsement Advertisements by Fashion Bloggers


網路科技快速發展,各品牌透過部落格行銷邀請部落客撰寫推薦式廣告來創造口碑效益為目前趨勢之一,部落客對消費者影響力的研究,便相當重要。因而本研究針對時尚部落客推薦式廣告進行研究,透過文獻分析、專家深度訪談、AHP 分析,找出時尚部落客推薦式廣告商品重視因素。研究結果發現,重視因素分為部落客特質、部落格特質、文章特質、消費者特質、商品特性、通路選擇傾向、品牌形象、賣場資訊、社群互動等九項重視因素。


部落格 部落客 推薦式廣告


Due to the rapid development of Internet and technology, people rely on the internet more and more. The fast-paced evolution of technology has created new opportunities for marketers, with blogs being one of the newest phenomena. Brands invest in online marketing are increasing, so that inviting bloggers to write product endorsement advertising to create electronic word-of-mouth is one of current trends. As bloggers became the newest way of marketing in fashion industry, the researches about the impact of blog and bloggers to consumers become increasingly important. Therefore, this study was conducted for the fashion bloggers' endorsement advertisements, sorted out factors of endorsement advertisements, blog marketing and clothing evaluation criteria through literature analysis. Through in-depth interviews and expert multi-faceted amendment become AHP-based analysis questionnaire, to find out the important factors of product endorsement advertisements by fashion bloggers. Study found out that the 9 important factors of product endorsement advertisements by fashion bloggers are divided into blogger characteristics, blog characteristics, articles characteristics, consumer characteristics, product features, channel selection tendencies, brand image and social networking.


blog blogger endorsement advertising
