

在臺灣,因為公共衛生的改善和醫藥科技的進步,結核病的發生率和致死率相較於過去都有顯著的改善。肺外結核〈Extrapulmonary Tuberculosis〉的病例雖然時有所聞,但以腮腺部位的結核〈Parotid Tuberculosis〉呈現的肺外結核仍屬罕見。腮腺結核在臨床表現上和一般腮腺腫瘤並不易區分,往往在手術後才得以確立診斷。我們於2004年經歷一例外籍女性勞工以腮腺腫瘤表現之腮腺內淋巴結結核,病患於確立診斷後,由政府勞工管理單位遣返回國,接受後續治療。我們特別提出報告,提醒臨床的耳鼻喉科醫師,在面對來自結核病較流行的地區患者時,處理包括頭頸部腫塊等問題時,應考慮肺外結核的可能。


腮腺結核 肺外結核


Parotid tuberculosis is a rare clinical entity. To date, there have been no more than fifty cases reported in the literature. Most documented cases have been from Africa and the Indian subcontinent. Usually, they present as a slow-growing, reddish parotid lump, that may be tender or not. We present a 30-year-old female with tuberculosis of the intraparotid lymph node masking as a parotid tumor. Although a correct diagnosis in this case was made after parotidectomy, the diagnosis of tubercular disease may be more easily reached by aspiration cytology and modern biochemical tools such as polymerase chain reaction. The treatment of choice for parotid tuberculosis is the use of anti-tuberculosis medications, and the prognosis is usually good. Tuberculosis has returned as a major global emergency and, we may begin to meet patients with parotid tuberculosis in our daily practice. In this country parotid tuberculosis should be included as a differential diagnosis in unusual cases of parotid swelling even if the patient's chest radiograph appears normal.

