  • 期刊


Protests with Chinese Characteristics


目前學術界有些關於「全球社會運動」的普遍性說法,和我們所觀察到的實際情況有很大的出入。本文將圍繞著《帝國》作者MichaelHardt及Antonio Negri的研究,從中國抗議的經驗出發對他們的觀點提出批評。本文指出,兩位作者對於社會抗爭的期待,非常局限于歐美地區的經驗,而且對其他語境缺乏具體分析。他們的歐美中心主義觀點假定了世界歷史的發展是同質化的、是沒有地區差異的,無法幫助我們理解中國的抗爭文化。本文主要側重於中國抗議活動的一些特點,特別是與《帝國》作者所描繪的圖像究竟有何不同。其中最大的不同在於國家的角色,以及抗議者與國家之間的曖昧和親密關係。


Currently there are some general notions of the global social movement that greatly differ from the actual situations we have observed. This study critically examines Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri's works, in particular Empire, by referring to the contemporary experience of Chinese protests. This paper indicates that Hardt and Negri's hopes for social struggle are very much limited to European and American experiences, and there is a lack of concrete analysis for different contexts. The Euro-American-centric view held by Hardt and Negri assumes that the development of world history is homogenous and lacks regional differences; therefore, it runs the risk of omitting the histories, traditions and strategies of different regions. This paper pays attention to the main characteristics of Chinese protests, and demonstrates how they differ from the picture portrayed by Hardt and Negri. The main difference lies in the role of the state and the ambivalent relationship between Chinese protesters and the state.


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