  • 期刊


Robust Design for Activated Carbon Filters


國內許多濾水器材製造廠商所生產的產品類別大多使用活性碳濾心器,所以活性碳濾心器在水處理過程中佔有一重要角色,但是廠商在設計活性碳濾心器等級時,往往不知如何選擇來配合產品性能,以致於發生使用等級過高導致獲利降低或是使用等級過低導致檢測試驗未能通過,造成產品檢驗成本增加與產品上市時間延期。本研究針對顆粒型活性碳濾心器等級設計問題加以探討,除了考慮必須符合檢驗標準以確保使用安全之外,同時應用田口方法(Taguchi Method)配合氯減量檢驗標準(CNS14933)進行實驗設計,找出活性碳等級、流量處理與重量使用等三者控制因子的參數組合,再以資料包絡分析法(Data Envelopment Analysis,DEA)與資料群集處理技術(Group Method of Data Handling, GMDH)得出最佳效率組合,提供廠商在設計活性碳濾水器時,能選擇最佳等級的活性碳與使用量,幫助廠商開發產品時能提高成本效益與壽命,使產品通過認證。此一設計方法應用於一家濾水器材製造廠,以實際產品進行規劃驗證此設計方法的優異性。


Activated carbon filters play an important role in water treatment processes because most water treatment products contain activated carbon filters. However, the selection of activated carbon grades very often does not match the activated carbon filter products in terms of performance. The wrong choice of activated carbon grades might cause several consequences, such as high lead levels with lower profits, failure to pass tests due to the use of low lead level, too high testing cost, or even time delay to market products. In this study, the problem of how to determine grading levels for activated carbon particles is explored. Also, the requirements to meet the inspection standards to ensure product safety are addressed. Taguchi method along with chlorine reduction test (CNS14933) experimental designs is applied to identify the activated carbon level. Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and Group Method of Data Handling (GMDH) are then used to explore a satisfactory combination of control factors. Results from this study provide better designs for activated carbon filters and help manufacturers understand the cost-effective product development. Also the developed approach can help manufacturers apply certifications for their products.


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