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Blastocystis Hominis: A long-term Ignored Intestinal Parasite


人芽囊原蟲(Blastocystis hominis, Brumpt 1912)是一種寄生於人類消化道中的寄生性原蟲。部分研究結果顯示,不論是在有症狀患者或無症狀帶原者的糞便檢體中,它都是最常見的寄生蟲。人芽囊原蟲最初被歸類於對人體無害的腸道酵母菌的一種,長久以來均未受到重視,甚至被忽,略以致有關人芽囊原的分類、形態、細胞生物學、生活史、致病性等方面也都一直未十分明療。近年來,有些報告指出人芽囊原蟲的感染與腹瀉有關,認為它對人類具有潛在性的致病能力,然而其致病性至今仍倍受爭議,也因此引發許多研究者的注意,進一步對其生物學、流行病學及臨床等方面進行研究。本篇文章僅針對其分類、形態、生活史及流行病學方面做一概述。


人芽囊原蟲 分類 形態 生活史 流行病學


Blastocystis hominis IS a protozoan parasite inhabiting in the intestinal tract of human. A number of studies showed it is often the most frequent protozoan reported in human fecal samples from both symptomatic patients and asymptomatic carriers. This organism was in the first time reported as a harmless yeast, and has been neglected for a long time. The life cycle, mode of transmission, cell biology and pathogenesis of B. hominis are still not well understood. In recent years, numerous reports have suggested that B. hominis is associated with diarrhea and is consid-ered as a potential pathogen in human. However, the pathogenicity of B. hominis is still a contro-versial issue, and it has attracted the attention of researchers to initiate studies On the biology,epidemiology and clinical aspects of this parasite. This article described the taxonomy, morphol-ogy, life cycle, and epidemiology of B. hominis.
