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A Cross-Sectional Study of Musculoskeletal Disorders in Relation to Work Movement Characteristics Among Hotel Foodservice Employees in Taiwan


目標:估計台灣地區國際觀光旅館中餐飲服務人員肌肉骨骼傷病(MSD)盛行率與嚴重程度,及其與動作項目頻率之相關性。方法:本研究利用橫斷式研究設計,於2001年1至4月期間利用結構式問卷針對台灣地區24家國際觀光旅館總共905位同意接受訪視之餐飲服務人員進行面對面訪視,蒐集的資料包括人口學特徵、日常活動狀況、工作條件和工作中所使用動作項目之種頻與頻率、以及自覺MSD的部位以及疼痛嚴重程度,並利用多變量線性迴歸估計每個動作項目頻率分數與個別身體部位疼痛分數間之相關性。結果:「廚師/助廚/廚工」樣本所自訴的下背/腰疼痛盛行率最高(52.6%),而「清潔人員」與「外場服務人員」則以肩部疼痛之盛行率最高,分別為63.4%與64.3%。「廚師/助廚/廚工」樣本疼痛分數平均值最高的部位為肩、上手臂、上背、與膝關節;「清潔人員」與「外場服務人員」最覺疼痛的部位則分別為膝關節與腳踝/足部。多變量迴歸分析所顯示較強的相關性包括:肩部疼痛與「需經常彎腰從地面抬取重物」或「持續搬抬重物達一分鐘以上」等動作;手指/手腕疼痛與「手腕持續旋轉搓繞」或「手腕經常出力彎曲」等動作;以及下背/腰部疼痛與「需經常彎腰從地面抬取重物」。結論:台灣地區旅館業現職餐飲服務人員自訴身體部位別MSD盛行率約介21.5%(大腿)至58.9%(肩部)之間;此外,下背/腰部的疼痛也很普遍(盛行率=54.7%)。而數據顯示:與餐飲服務人員肩部疼痛相關性較強的動作為搬運重物,而與下背/腰痛相關性較強的動作則是經常彎腰從地面抬取重物。(台灣衛誌 2002;21(2):140-149)


Objectives: To estimate the prevalence and severity of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) and to assess the relationship between MSD and work movement characteristics in a sample of hotel foodservice employees in Taiwan. Methods: A cross-sectional survey was conducted between January and April in 2001 among a convenient sample of 905 foodservice individuals from 24 hotel restaurants all over Taiwan to collect information on individual's demographic characteristics, daily activities, work . movement characteristics, and perceived presence and severity of body part specific MSD. Multiple linear regression models were used to assess the adjusted relationship between work movement frequency and body part specific MSD. Results: Lower back/waist pain was most prevalent (52.6%) among kitchen staff whereas both sanitation and dining room staff suffered mostly from shoulder pain with prevalence rates of 63.4% and 64.3%, respectively. With respect to the severity, the kitchen staff who suffered from MSD had the highest severity score for several body parts including the shoulder, upper arm, upper back, and knee joint. The highest body part specific severity score for the sanitation and dining room staff was the knee joint and ankle/foot, respectively. The multiple linear regression analysis suggested stronger associations for shoulder pain and ”frequent bending while moving/lifting heavy objects” or ”frequent long-lasting moving/lifting objects”; finger/wrist pain and ”continual twisting of the wrist” or ”frequently vigorous action of the wrist”; and low back/waist pain and ”frequent bending while moving/lifting heavy objects,” Conclusions: Our data suggested that the body part specific prevalence rate of MSD was between 21.5% (upper leg) and 58.9% (shoulder) among hotel food service workers in Taiwan. The prevalence for lower back! waist pain (54.7%) was second only to shoulder or neck pain in the study participants. Analysis of correlation suggests that moving/lifting heavy objects showed a stronger association with shoulder pain than did any other work movement. On the other hand, lower back/waist pain had a relatively strong association with postures such as stooping.(Taiwan J Public Health. 2002;21(2):140-149)


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