  • 期刊


AnInvestigation for the Problem of Mass Demonstration Against the Construction of Pollution Control Facilities


政府為解決國內日益嚴重之環境污染問題、維護社區之環境衛生、提升國內之環境品質及全體國民之健康,遂逐步規劃建設污染防治設施(或環保設施),特別是衛生掩埋場、焚化爐及污水處理廠等。然當此類污染防治設施興建前,經常遭受附近居民激烈之反抗,嚴重者更可能使整個建設工作無法推動。針對民眾健康問題而言,若污染防治設施緊鄰居興建,對民眾之健康可能有潛在之威脅。但為能有效推動政府之環境保護政策,污染防治設施之興建更是無法避免,而如何能兼顧兩者且獲得平衡,乃值得探討及評估之問題。因此,本文將由國內污染防治設施之興建對環境保護政策之推動及民意衝突之問題進行探討,並以法治制層面進行剖析,以求得較可行之解決辦法,使未來國內污染防治設施之興建阻力得以減輕,同時可保障人民權利和健康,並達成公私利益平衡,希望藉以謀求政府與民眾之雙贏局面。(台灣衛誌 2002;21 (2):97-106)


To resolve the increasing environmental pollution problems, protect the environmental health of the community and upgrade the environmental quality and health of all citizens, the government has been planning to construct pollution control facilities (or environmental protection facilities) such as sanitary landfill, incinerator, wastewater treatment plant, and so on. However, the people living nearby always protest against the construction of the facility, and this may obstruct the development of the pollution control work. Although a potential risk to the civilian health might exist if the pollution control facility is constructed near the community, the construction of pollution control facilities is still be necessary to effectively promote the national environmental protection policy. Therefore, it is important to investigate and evaluate how to obtain a balance between the reduction of mass demonstration and the promotion of environmental protection policy. This article will discuss the problems regarding the construction of pollution control facilities and analyze them from a legislation point of view. It is hoped that the discussion and the conclusion of this article can provide available solutions in reducing any possible resistance, protecting civil rights and civilian health, reaching a balance between public and private benefits, and hopefully obtaining a winning solution for both government and citizens.(Taiwan J Public Health. 2002;21(2):97-106)


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