  • 期刊


The 2001 National Health Interview Survey: Geographic Variation and Family Aggregation of Helmet Use among Children Aged 6 to 12 in Taiwan


目標:騎乘坐機車戴安全帽,是政府既定的政策,兒童也不例外,然而不同地區的執行狀況不盡相同。本研究之目的在於瞭解台灣地區六到十二歲兒童乘坐機車時戴安全帽的實施狀況,並探討地區因素及家人交通安全相關行為與兒童乘坐機車戴安全帽的關係。方法:本研究所使用之資料,為「國民健康訪問調查」的一部份,為具全國代表性的樣本。本研究以其中年滿六歲但未滿十二歲並沒有乘坐機車經驗的兒童,共計1,787人為對象,並串聯十二歲以上問卷及家戶問卷中相關資料,進行分析。結果:整體而言,78.9%的兒童每次乘坐機車時都會戴安全帽,以GEE model進行複邏輯斯迴歸分析,與兒童乘坐機車時是否每次都戴安全帽相關的因素,則包括了年齡越大、居住於大台北、北縣基隆、桃竹苗、中彰投以及宜花東地區、家人戴安全帽的行為聚集。結論:兒童乘坐機車戴安全帽的行為有地區性的差異存在,且家人的交通安全保護行為與兒童是否每次都戴安全帽有相當顯著的關聯。


Objectives: Wearing a helmet while riding a motorcycle is compulsory in Taiwan. The main objectives of current study are to understand the helmet wearing undertaken by children aged 6 to 12 while riding on a motorcycle, and to investigate their variations among geographic locations and family aggregation. Methods: The data used in this study is part of the 2001 National Health Interview Survey. 1,787 children who were aged 6 to 12 and had the experience of riding on motorcycle were taken into analysis. Items in questionnaire for children under 12 years old were used. They were also linked to a questionnaire for adults older than 12 years in the same household. Results: 78.9% of children reported always wearing a helmet while riding on a motorcycle. Logistic regression was applied to investigate the factors associated with helmet use. It is found that the following characteristics are associated with helmet wearing: older age, residing in the northern (the metropolitian Taipei, Kee-Lung and Taipei County, the counties of Tao-Yuan, Hsin-Chu and Miao-Li), central (Tai-Chung, Chang-Hwa, Nan-Tou) and eastern (the counties of I-Lan, Huan-Lien and Tai-Tung) of the island, and other family members wearing helmets. Conclusions: There is geographic variation in wearing helmets. Whether children always wear a helmet is also significantly associated with other family member’s helmet member’s helmet wearing.


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