  • 期刊


An Investigation of the Perception of Residents toward a Newly-opened Branch Hospital and Their Intentions to Seekmedical Care-a Case Study


目標:瞭解某醫學中心之新設院區開始營運後兩年,其附近社區民眾對於個案院區的認知情形,並瞭解民眾赴該院區就醫之意願。 方法:採橫斷式調查研究,於民國91年3月關間電訪居住該院區週邊的1,020位民眾。 結果:有56.4%的受訪民眾知道有個案院區,多數民眾是透過傳播媒體(報紙、宣傳海報等)得知個案院區。而「曾至該院區就醫」之受訪民眾至個案院區就醫之意願較高;主要選擇之因素爲醫院距離住家較近(74.1%),對總院的印象好而至該院區就醫則佔24.1%。有25.7%的民眾表示在親友有醫療需求時,會推薦至個案院區就醫,其中又以「家庭月總收入在9萬元以下」、「曾經至該院區就醫」之受訪者,較傾向會將個案院區推薦給親友。 結論:受訪民眾對於個案院區之認知及就醫意願,與其前傾因素及其過去經驗有顯著相關。


Objective: To investigate the residents' perception about a newly opened branch hospital of a medical center, and to understand the nearby dwellers' inclination to go to that hospital when needed. Method: This study was a cross-sectional survey. Data were collected by telephone interview 1,020 dwellers around that branch hospital in March 2002. Result: 7About 56.4% of the respondents knew about the branch hospital. Mass media was the main sources of information about the hospital. Those who previously had been to this branch hospital had higher intentions to select this hospital. The major factors related to choosing the branch hospital included the proximity of the branch hospital to the home (74.1%) and the good reputation of the main hospital (24.1%). Those with family income under ninety thousdands pre month or received care from the branch hospital were more likely to recommend this branch hospital to others. Conclusion: The perception of residents toward a Newly-Opened Branch Hospital and their intentions to seek medical care were significantly associated with the predisposing factors and experiences of the residents.


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白碧玉(2006)。公辦民營醫院經營關鍵成功因素之探討-以「團隊-品質-顧客 (TQC)」為架構〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2006.00737
