  • 期刊


Analysis of Occupational Disease Cases from Different Systems in Taiwan


了解常職業病發生之行業及不同職業病資料來源所呈現之差異性。方法:收集及分析1999至2001年間,國內勞保現金給付、勞工健康檢查資料、事業單位職業災害統計及衛生署疑似職業病通報資料,其案件數與行、職業之分佈。結果:(l)特殊健康檢查及分級健康管理,因噪音作業引起之聽力損失310件佔極度大部分(88.1%)。行業別其中以棉紡紗葉及水泥製造業最多,醫院次之。(2)衛生署疑似職業病通報系統,總個業務數似職業性異常氣壓疾病(l448件,佔46.0%)最多;行業別以近海漁業最多,稻作栽培業次之。較為確定之個案數中,以疑似塵肺症85件(佔36.3%)最多;行業別以醫院最多,稻作栽培業次之。(3)事業單位職業災害統針侗業主要集中在製造業,營造業次之。(4)勞保現金給付資料,總個案數以塵肺症(22,225件,佔93.2 %)最多。結論:國內現有與職業病相關之四通報系統,皆有其侷限處,但其分佈概況仍可供勞工主管機關擬定預防職業病檢查策略之參考。


職業病案例 通報 檢查策略


This study is aimed to comprehend the differences between different reporting sources on common occupational diseases occurring according to profession distribution. Methods: Occupational disease case numbers, professions and occupational distribution between 1999 and 2001 from the records of labor-insurance compensation database, the physical examination of workers, the surveillance system of the Department of Health and the occupational injuries statistics of business units were collected and analyzed. Results: 1. According to special physical examination and classification health management, hearing loss caused by working in a noisy environment is the most reported occupational disease with 310 cases (88.1%). The cotton spin- fling industries and cement industries have the highest numbers of reported occupational disease cases followed by hospitals 2. According to the surveillance system of the Department of Health, occupational abnormal air pressure disease caused by working in an abnormal air pressure environment is the most commonly reported occupational disease with 1,448 cases (46.0%). The inshore fishery had the highest numbers of reported occupational disease cases followed by rice planting. Among the confirmed cases, pneumoconiosis was the most reported occupational disease with 85 cases (36.3%). Hospitals had the highest numbers of confirmed reported occupational disease cases followed by rice planting. 3. According to the occupational injuries statistics of business units, reported occupational injury cases are concentrated in manufacturing followed by construction industries. 4. According to the records of the labor-insurance compensation database, pneumoconiosis was the most commonly reported occupational disease. Totally, there were 22,225 cases (93.2%). Conclusion: All four reporting sources have their limitations, however, the study results of the distribution of occupational diseases may offer references and recommendations to labor inspection agencies in drafting the occupational diseases prevention inspection strategy.


(1998).National Kidney Foundation..The United States Renal Data System 1998 Annual Data Report..


