  • 期刊

Knowledge, Attitude and Practice on Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1 Infection among New Entrant University Students in Taiwan



目標:台灣愛滋病病毒感染最近幾年明顯上升,此研究以尚未被同儕影響的大一新生為研究對象,調查其愛滋病相關的知識、態度與行為。方法:於2004年9月針對9所大學(包括公立、私立、醫學大學、職業學校)的11,847位新生進行問卷調查。結果:知識問題平均答對分數為86.8%。態度方面,42.2%受訪者會避免與愛滋病患接觸,13.6%受訪者會因家人感染愛滋病而感尷尬。在男女學生群中,知識及態度的相關性係數極低(皮爾森積差相關係數:男學生,0.182;女學生,0.074,p < 0.001)。學校及電視是取得愛滋病相關資訊的主要途徑。受訪者的性取向為:93.3%異性戀,1.1%雙性戀,0.5%同性戀。第一次性行為平均年齡為17.1歲(標準差1.5歲)。在1,179(10%)位性活躍的學生中,只有30.9%同學會在每次性行為時使用保險套,此外,9.9%學生有飲酒的行為,157(1.3%)位曾使用過禁藥,其中10位曾使用過靜脈注射的非法藥物。禁藥的來源包括:朋友(58.6%),酒吧(45.2%)及學校(21.6%)。結論:台灣高中畢業生對於愛滋病的相關知識及態度仍有不正確之處,建議加強高中生的愛滋教育。


愛滋病 知識 態度 行為 大專學生


Objectives: By the end of 2004, there were 403 students infected with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) reported to Taiwan’s Center for Disease Control. The objective of this study was to understand the knowledge, attitudes and practice regarding HIV-1 and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) among new entrant (freshman) university students in Taiwan. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in September 2004. Self-administered questionnaires from 11,847 students of nine universities were collected and analyzed. Results: The mean knowledge score was high-86.8. Regarding attitude, 42.2% of students would avoid contacts with HIV/AIDS patients; and 13.6% felt embarrassed if one of their family members had AIDS. The attitude scores of the students did not correlate with the knowledge scores (Pearson correlation: 0.182 and 0.074 for male and female students, respectively). Students identified both school and television as the main sources of information. The sexual orientations were 93.3% heterosexuals, 1.1% bisexuals and 0.5% homosexuals. The mean age of first sexual intercourse was 17.1 (SD ± 1.5). Among 1,179 (10%) students who had sexual experiences, only 30.9% used condoms consistently. In addition, 9.9% were alcohol consumers and 157 students (1.3%) were illicit drug users which including 10 injecting drug users. Students obtained drugs mainly from friends (58.6%), in pubs (45.2%) and at school (21.6%). This is a significant finding. Conclusions: There were knowledge gaps and many misconceptions about transmission routes of HIV-1. More AIDS education including anti-drug information should be provided to high school students in Taiwan.


HIV/AIDS Knowledge Attitude Practice Students


