  • 期刊


Determinants of Awareness and Use of Pap-smear Screening: The Bivariate Probit Model Study


目標:本研究旨在探討影響台灣婦女對子宮頸抹片檢查認知(Awareness)與行為之社經因素。方法:研究資料為行政院衛生署國民健康局「民國91年台灣地區國民健康促進知識、態度與行為調查問卷」,使用雙元普羅比模型(bivariate Probit model)考量「認知」因素後,探討社經特性及其他因素對婦女抹片認知與檢查行為的影響。結果:模型估計結果顯示,抹片檢查的認知和行為兩條迴歸式之間有顯著的高度正相關,因此研究影響檢查行為的社經因素,必須同時考慮影響認知的社經因素。在認知迴歸式中,影響婦女對抹片檢查認知的顯著因素有:年齡、大學以上教育程度、已婚、良好自我健康狀況評估與預防保健服務利用。在檢查行為迴歸式中,影響婦女作抹片檢查的顯著因素有:年齡、高中(職)教育程度、都市化程度低、南部地區、已婚、宗教信仰與預防保健服務利用。結論:本文以雙元普羅比模型顯示,「認知」是婦女作子宮頸抹片檢查的重要影響因素,並推估出影響婦女認知與從事檢查的重要社經因素,可以提供相關單位作為擬定更有效率的抹片檢查推廣政策之參考。


Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the impact of cervical-screening awareness on the cervical-screening behavior of women in Taiwan. Methods: The bivariate probit model and data from the ”Survey of the Health Promotion Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behavior of Taiwan Citizens” conducted by the Bureau of Health Promotion in 2002 were used to investigate the socioeconomic factors in cervical-screening awareness and compliance of women in Taiwan. Results: The estimation results of the bivariate probit model indicated a significant and strong positive correlation between awareness and screening, supporting the role of ”awareness” in cervical-screening behavior of women in Taiwan. Age, education level (college or above), married status, better self-assessment of health condition, and regular use of preventive health-care services were significant factors in women’s awareness of Pap-smear screening. Age, education level (senior high school or above), lower degree of urbanization, residence in the southern areas of Taiwan, married status, religious beliefs, and regular use of preventive health-care services were significant factors in use of Pap-smear screening. Conclusions: The role of awareness in cervical-screening behavior, as well as socioeconomic factors in both awareness and compliance, must be taken into account in the design of cost-effective cervical cancer prevention policies and programs in Taiwan.


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