  • 期刊


The Primary Factors that Affect the Efficacy of Drug Prevention Policies in Taiwan




Objectives: The Taiwan government has waged war on drugs since 1993; however, after more than 10 years of enforcement, the number of drug offenders continues to increase steadily and the recidivism rate remains high, thereby demonstrating a need to review current drug policies. Methods: This study adopted a multi-method research approach by interviewing the directors of correctional institutions and the managers of drug prevention centers, and conducting a questionnaire survey of 7,596 drug addicts nearing the end of their prison sentences. Results: The three most critical issues affecting the efficacy of drug abuse prevention in Taiwan are: (1) lack of a permanent responsible government department; (2) lack of midway treatment mechanisms; and (3) a lack of integration among drug prevention agencies. On the demand side, 59 % of drug users require a job but have difficulty being accepted by employers; thus results in a high rate of recidivism. This study determined that the biggest obstacles for drug addicts to surmount after leaving prison are the difficulties in securing employment and avoiding temptation from drug-using friends. Conclusions: These three critical issues and the actions suggested in response to them are worth the attention of the government. (Taiwan J Public Health. 2011;30(6):604-616)


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法務部統計處:法務統計摘要(99年1月21日)表5 - 5 : 執行毒品案件裁判確定有罪人數及再累犯(前科)情形。http://www.moj.gov.tw/site/moj/public/MMO/moj/stat/new/newtable5.pdf。引用2010/12/20。Department of Statistics, Ministry of Justice, Taiwan.Abstract from statistics of justice (Jan.21, 2010). Table 5-5: number of convicted drug offenders and their reincarceration rates with criminal records. Available at: http://www.moj.gov.tw/site/moj/public/MMO/moj/stat/new/newtable5.pdf. Accessed December 20,2010. [In Chinese]
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