  • 期刊


Medical Utilization by Patients with Chronic Diseases in Taiwan: Chronic Kidney Disease, Diabetes and Hypertension




Objectives: An aging population has more individuals with chronic diseases and greater medical utilization. In a fee-for-service payment system, patients tend to visit different specialists for their various conditions. This study analyzed the impact of patterns of chronic disease on medical utilization. Methods: This study used the National Health Insurance database to identify patients who had been diagnosed with chronic kidney disease, diabetes or hypertension, were aged 20 or older, and were alive at the end of 2006. The study measured the prevalence of chronic diseases in 2006 after excluding the patients who died in 2007. The study then analyzed current medical utilization by patients with chronic diseases. Results: There were 2,539,137 patients with at least one chronic disease in 2006, and the prevalence rate was 14.83%. The highest medical utilization was by patients with all three chronic diseases. For outpatient care, the numbers of visits, different departments, different physicians, and different hospitals/clinics were 33.20, 5.41, 8.46 and 4.57, respectively. For inpatient care, the average numbers of visits, hospital days, and hospitals/clinics were 0.71, 7.37 and 0.43, respectively. Outpatient utilization by patients with three chronic diseases and patients with chronic kidney disease and hypertension were significantly higher than those of patients with hypertension alone. Inpatient utilization by patients with three chronic diseases and patients with chronic kidney disease and diabetes was significantly higher than that of patients with hypertension alone. Conclusions: Patterns of chronic diseases influence medical utilization. We suggest that health authorities provide appropriate financial incentives to encourage physicians to provide services and better treatment recommendations for patients with multiple chronic conditions.


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