  • 期刊


Dietary intake and growth rates of young children in Taiwan: a longitudinal study


目標:本研究觀察台灣北中南地區幼童2至6歲期間的飲食變化、生長速度,並探討其食物類別及營養素攝取量與生長速度之相關性。方法:結合台灣北中南區2至6歲幼童長期追蹤之每年兩日24小時飲食回憶及體位等資料,分析2~6歲期間食物類別及營養素攝取量對於生長速度的影響。結果:台灣北中南區幼童飲食及生長速度並無地區差異,而3、4歲為幼童飲食變化的轉變點,熱量及多種營養素(蛋白質、脂質、醣類)來源逐漸以一般家庭飲食為主。分析食物類別(food groups)攝取與生長速度相關性,發現2~6歲期間植物油類(vegetable oils)攝取量與體重增加量(r=0.32, p<0.05)及體重z分數增加量(r=0.27, p<0.05)呈顯著正相關,肉類及水果類攝取量與身高增加量(r_肉=0.23, r_果=0.25, p<0.05)及身高z分數增加量(r_肉=0.23, r_果=0.25, p<0.05)呈顯著正相關。營養素(nutrients)分析則發現植物性脂質(plant fat)攝取量與體重增加量呈顯著正相關(r=0.22, p<0.05),熱量(r=0.23, p<0.05)、維生素B_6(r=0.24, p<0.05)、膽鹼(r=0.25, p<0.05)、鉀(r=0.22, p<0.05)攝取量與身高增加量呈顯著正相關。結論:高營養密度食物可提供充足的微量營養素,有助於幼童身高之生長,而過多油脂攝取則會使體重增加。


幼童 生長速度 飲食攝取


Objectives: To examine the dietary transition and growth rates of children aged 2 to 6 years from northern, central, and southern Taiwan and thereby determine the relationships between food groups, nutrient intake, and growth rate. Methods: This cohort study recruited participants from various areas of Taiwan. Food groups and nutrient intake data of children aged 2 to 6 years were analyzed through 2-day 24-hour dietary recall. Anthropometric data were converted to age-and sex-specific Z-scores to calculate growth rates. Results: No differences were observed in the dietary intakes and growth rates of young children from northern, central, and southern Taiwan. The turning point in the children's dietary patterns appeared at ages 3-4 years, because their energy and the majority of nutrients gradually began to be received from a normal diet. Analysis of food groups revealed that vegetable oils were significantly and positively correlated with weight gain (r = 0.32, p < 0.05) and weight-for-age Z-score gain (r = 0.27, p < 0.05); furthermore, meat and fruit intake were significantly and positively correlated with height gain (r_(meat) = 0.23, r_(fruit) = 0.25, p < 0.05) and height-for-age Z-score (HAZ) gain (r_(meat) = 0.23, r_(fruit) = 0.25, p < 0.05). In addition, weight gain was significantly and positively correlated with the intake of plant fat (r = 0.22, p < 0.05); height gain was significantly and positively correlated with the intake of energy (r = 0.23, p < 0.05), vitamin B_6 (r = 0.24, p < 0.05), choline (r = 0.25, p < 0.05), and potassium (r = 0.22, p < 0.05); however, only energy (r = 0.22, p < 0.05) and choline (r = 0.22, p < 0.05) had the same trends as HAZ gain. Conclusions: High nutrient-dense foods could provide young children with sufficient micronutrients to help with height growth, whereas excessive fat and oil intakes may cause weight gain.


young children growth rate dietary intake


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