  • 期刊


Correlation of atmospheric fine particulate matter with traffic sources in Yun-Chia-Nan area in Taiwan


目標:大氣細懸浮微粒(fine particulate matter, PM_(2.5))濃度可能受交通污染源的影響,本研究以台灣雲嘉南地區為研究地區,探討大氣PM_(2.5)與交通污染源的關係。方法:分析行政院環境保護署空氣品質監測站之PM_(2.5)數據及機動車密度登記資料。研究區域為雲林縣、嘉義縣市與台南市。以敘述性統計(平均值、中位數、最小值和最大值)分析PM_(2.5)濃度、氣象因子與機動車密度;以斯皮爾曼等級相關(Spearman's Rank Correlation Coefficient)探討PM_(2.5)濃度、氣象因子與機動車密度的相關性;以複迴歸分析機動車密度對PM_(2.5)濃度的影響。資料分析期間為2015年1至12月。結果:2015年雲嘉南地區PM_(2.5)平均濃度為26.4μg/m^3,冷季(11~4月,35.0μg/m^3)高於熱季(5~10月,17.8μg/m^3)。機動車平均密度分別為380.1(汽車)與734.8(機車)輛/平方公里。機動車密度雖與PM_(2.5)濃度呈正向關係但未達統計顯著,溫度為影響雲嘉南地區PM_(2.5)濃度之重要因子。機動車密度對PM_(2.5)的影響可能存在區域差異性。台南市:汽車密度每增加1輛/平方公里,PM_(2.5)增加0.762μg/m^3。嘉義市:機車密度每增加1輛/平方公里,PM_(2.5)增加0.362μg/m^3。嘉義縣:汽車密度每增加1輛/平方公里,PM_(2.5)增加0.977μg/m^3。雲林縣:汽車密度每增加1輛/平方公里,PM_(2.5)增加1.030μg/m^3。結論:溫度為影響雲嘉南地區大氣PM_(2.5)濃度的重要因子。交通污染源對雲嘉南地區PM_(2.5)的影響可能存在區域差異性,值得後續深入探討。


Objectives: Levels of atmospheric fine particulate matter (PM_(2.5)) may be affected by the traffic sources. This article explores correlations between the PM_(2.5) level and traffic sources in Yun-Chia-Nan area in Taiwan. Methods: Data regarding PM_(2.5) levels and motor vehicle density in 2015 were obtained from Environmental Protection Administration monitoring stations and Environmental Resource Database, respectively. The study area covers four southwestern districts of Taiwan: Yunlin County, Chiayi City, Chiayi County, and Tainan City. Mean, median, minimum, and maximum values for PM_(2.5) levels, meteorological variables, and motor vehicle densities were calculated. The relationship between PM_(2.5), meteorological variables, and motor vehicle density was estimated using the Spearman's rank correlation coefficient. A multiple linear regression model was used to explore the associations of PM_(2.5) with motor vehicle density. The study duration was January-December 2015. Results: In 2015, the annual mean PM_(2.5) level was 26.4 μg/m^3; PM_(2.5) levels were higher in the colder season (November-April; 35.0 μg/m^3) than in the hotter season (May-October; 17.8 μg/m^3). The motor vehicle densities were 380.1 car/km^2 and 734.8 motorcycle/km^2. The relationship between motor vehicle density and PM_(2.5) level was positive, but nonsignificant. Temperature was the major factor influencing the PM_(2.5) levels. Moreover, the effects of motor vehicle density on the PM_(2.5) level varied geographically: for every 1-car/km^2 increase, the PM_(2.5) level increased by 0.762, 0.362, 0.977, and 1.030 μg/m^3 in Tainan City, Chiayi City, Chiayi County, and Yunlin County, respectively. Conclusions: Temperature is the major factor influencing PM_(2.5) levels in Yun-Chia-Nan area in Taiwan. The effect of traffic sources on PM_(2.5) level might have geographic variation. Further relevant research is warranted.


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