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Scoping review of social frailty among community-dwelling older adults


本文以範域文獻回顧討論社會衰弱評估工具、分析社會衰弱的決定因子以及其不良結果相關的實證研究,經搜尋PubMed、Web of Science、PsycINFO、華藝中文資料庫,篩選納入37篇(2008至2019年)研究。本文歸納出幾點結果:(一)37篇文獻共有10種評估社會衰弱的工具;(二)年齡較大、低教育程度、獨居等17類變數會有較高的社會衰弱風險,而性別、居住城鄉則有不一致的結果;(三)社會衰弱與失能、死亡率、認知障礙、生理衰弱顯著相關,也與生活品質、生活滿意度有負相關。未來研究可發展適合台灣本土之社會衰弱評估工具,利用縱貫性研究實證社會衰弱與健康不良結果的因果關係,作為政府應用於社區介入、預防失能政策之參考。


老化 失能 衰弱評估 社區介入


The study conducted a scoping review on empirical studies on social frailty's determinants and health-related outcomes. We collected studies from PubMed, Web of Science, PsycINFO, and Airiti Library (Chinese), and 37 studies from 2008-2019 met the inclusion criteria for this study. The study revealed the following findings: (1) The 37 studies included 10 assessments. (2) Seventeen variables, such as older age, lower education, and living alone, have a higher risk of social frailty; on the other hand, gender and residing in an urban/rural areas show inconsistent results. (3) Social frailty was positively correlated with disability, mortality, cognitive impairment, and physical frailty and negative correlated with quality of life and life satisfaction. Future studies can develop an indigenizing scale and provide evidence for the causal relationship between social frailty and adverse outcomes through longitudinal research designs. Governments can use these results for community intervention and disability prevention.


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吳雅汝、周怡君、詹鼎正:文獻回顧—肌少症與衰弱症。內科學誌 2014;25:131-6。Wu YJ, Chou YC, Chan DC. Review: sarcopenia and frailty. J Intern Med Taiwan 2014;25:131-6. doi:10.6314/JIMT.2014.25(3).01. [In Chinese: English abstract]
Gobbens RJ, Luijkx KG, Wijnen-Sponselee MT, Schols JM. Towards an integral conceptual model of frailty. J Nutr Health Aging 2010;14:175-81. doi:10.1007/s12603-010-0045-6
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Bunt S, Steverink N, Olthof J, van der Schans CP, Hobbelen JSM. Social frailty in older adults: a scoping review. Eur J Ageing 2017;14:323-34. doi:10.1007/s10433-017-0414-7


