  • 期刊


The Relationship between Shared Audit Opinion and Financial Restatement of a Group Enterprise




The Auditing Standard No.54 (Special Considerations-Audits of Group Financial Statements) was implemented to replace the Auditing Standard No. 15 (Using the Work of Another Auditor) on July first, 2015. Compare with the No. 15, the biggest change of the new audit standard is to substantially restrict the group engagement auditors to issue shared audit opinions on the financial statements of group enterprises. This implies the audit standard setter believes that shared audit opinion has negative impact to the audit quality. However, whether parts of the components in a group enterprise are audited by other auditors would impair audit quality or not in Taiwan needs more empirical evidences to verify. Therefore, this study explores the relationship between shared audit opinions and the likelihood of restatements of the group financial statements. The result shows that the group enterprises that are received shared audit opinion have a higher probability of financial restatements than those of the group enterprises that were not received and we also find the higher the proportion of audit by other auditors, the higher the probability of financial restatements. The results support the position of the audit standard setter.


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