  • 期刊


Discussion on Risk-Return Decision and Agency Problem of Domestic Listed Companies




Traditional economics suggests that risk and return are positively correlated, but the prospect theory points out that individuals are not uniformly risk averse and adopt a mixture of risk seeking and risk averse behaviors. The shares of the listed company are held by the shareholders and it exists the conflict of interest between the principal and the agent. The decision of company is very different from the decision of individual. This paper attempts to explore whether the risk-return relationship of listed companies is inconsistent and whether the agency problem will influence the risk-return relationship of listed companies. We use the annual data of domestic listed companies from TEJ and Bloomberg for the 1998-2017 period and adopt simultaneous equations to estimate the interaction between two variables of risk and return. The risk model includes objective, environmental changes and forward-looking factors, which can estimate the true risk of the company accurately. The results show that the risk-return relationship of the companies above the reference point is positive. The free cash flow ratio strengthens the positive relationship between the company's risk and return and the share-holding ratio of the managers will not influence the relationship. The risk-return relationship of the companies below the reference point is negative and steeper than the companies above the reference point. The free cash flow ratio weakens the negative relationship and the share-holding ratio of the managers strengthens the negative relationship between the company's risk and return.


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