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The Impact of Work Value on Organizational Citizenship Behavior: Perspective of Social Identity Theory


著大環境的變遷,現今職場正面臨世代交替,世代間不只在生活上觀念不同,對於工作價值觀的認知也有差異。本研究回顧過去相關研究普遍認為工作價值觀會對組織承諾產生正面的影響,而高度組織承諾也會影響員工行使組織公民行為,但皆屬個別兩者間的研究。在現有的文獻中,鮮少從員工立場來針對工作價值觀、組織承諾與組織公民行為三者之間的關係做探討。因此,本研究以社會認定理論的觀點為研究基礎,探討員工工作價值觀與組織公民行為之間的關聯,是否受到組織承諾的連動影響,進一步檢視組織承諾對工作價值觀與組織公民行為關係的中介效果。本研究經抽樣台灣中小企業員工,回收323 份的問卷資料,進行分析檢定。經實證分析後,本研究獲得以下研究結果:工作價值觀對組織承諾具有顯著的正向影響;組織承諾對組織公民行為具有部分顯著正向之影響;組織承諾對工作價值觀與組織公民行為之間具有部份中介效果。根據研究發現,結果符應社會認定理論觀點,當員工與組織其他人成員的人際價值觀達到高度契合,而確定自己所屬的團隊或組織,彼此互助合作,保持良好人際關係,個人會對組織產生情感上的依附。員工會在日常的工作過程中,展現高度熱忱,較願意努力主動展現高度的利群體行為,進而提高組織的績效。本研究提出三點建議,供實務界參考:(1)溯本清源,探索工作價值;(2)率先垂範,落實言信行果;(3)利他服務,發揮公民實力。最後,也對後續研究提供建議。


As the environment changes, today's workplace is facing a generational change. There are differences not only in the daily life ideas but also in the work values among different generations. Reviewing the past related empirical studies, the study found most of them supported that work value has positive impact on organizational commitment and higher organizational commitment leads staff to exercise more organizational citizenship behavior. However, they focused on the relationship between two of them respectively. In the existing literature, there are few papers discussing the relationship among work value, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behavior from the employee’s stand. Therefore, the study takes the perspective of social identity theory (SIT) to explore the association of employees work values and organizational citizenship behaviors, and to find whether they are linked with organizational commitment. Furthermore, the study wants to examine if organizational commitment has the mediating effect on the relationship between work value and organizational citizenship behavior. Sampling from SMEs in Taiwan, the study collected and analyzed 323 employee’s questionnaire data. After the empirical analysis, this study obtained the following results: (1) Work value has significant positive effect on organizational commitment; (2) Organizational commitment has significant partial positive effect on organizational citizenship behavior; (3) Organizational commitment has partial mediating effect on the relationship between work value and organizational citizenship behavior. According to the research results, the findings correspond with SIT. When employee’s interpersonal value fits with other members in organization, he/she identifies the team/organization they belong to. They cooperate and help each other to maintain good relationship, which leads him/her to have affective attachment to organization. In the course of daily work, he/she will show highly ardor, and strive to take the initiative prosocial behavior to improve organizational performance. Finally, the study offers three main suggestions for practitioners: (1) Tracing to the origin and exploring employee’s work value; (2) Being the role model and walking one’s talk; (3) Offering altruistic service and excreting citizen strength. Finally, the advice for further study is also provided.


張松鈞(2017)。工時與工作滿意度間之關係受工作價值觀、企業倫 理落實程度影響之研究〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2017.00576
