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The Establishment and Developments of International Labor Law


本文之目的,是希望對國際勞工組織、歐洲聯盟、其他國際組織或經濟體,以及在近期簽署跨太平洋夥伴協定時之相關倡議作為等,為建構一套適用於全球或區域國際勞動基準或法制之各項努力,做一整體之檢視,並討論我國在此一努力過程中所應採取之具體作為,藉以改善本國勞動者之權利與福祉,並趁勢參與國際勞動事務。除序言及結語外,本文之內容共分五大部分:第一部分討論國際勞工組織歷年來在這方面所從事之各項努力;第二部分說明歐洲聯盟為其29 個會員國所建構之國際勞動法制;第三部分檢視其他國際組織或經濟體在這方面之相關作為;第四部分探討跨太平洋夥伴協定對此一議題之最新努力情形;第五部分則設法做一綜合評析,除探討對建構此類國際勞動法制之正反意見外,並對未來發展趨勢加以著墨,最後則是以三個階段為期,提出我國所應採取之各項具體改革措施。


The purpose of this article is to make an overview of efforts made by the International Labor Organization (ILO), European Union (EU), other international organizations and economic bodies and the recent negotiation and signing of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) for the purpose of establishing an international labor law regime. It also discusses how Taiwan can cope with this development not only to improve its labor's rights and welfare, but can also actively take part in international labor regimes. Aside from introductory and concluding remarks, the contents of the paper can divide into five section. Section Two traces efforts made by the ILO in promulgating various international labor standards. Section Three discusses how the EU established an integrated legal regime governing labor affairs for its 29 member states in recent years. Section Four reviews related endeavors made by other international organizations and economic bodies in this regard.Section Five details recent promotion of workers' rights through the negotiation and signing of the TPP. Finally, Section Six makes an overview about the merits, disadvantages, controversies and future developments of this efforts. It also proposes three-stage reform measures for Taiwan to cope with this new labor situation.


