  • 期刊


A Study Participation Motivation of Min-DAO High School Students


本研究主要在探討明道中學學生課後參與運動之動機研究,經研究發現學生課後參與運動的主要參與運動休閒動機之前三名分別為:我喜歡這個運動有樂趣、我喜歡這個運動活動及我喜歡做我能做好的事。 針對學生不同性別及住宿與否,作t考驗以檢驗是否達顯著差異水準。經分析得到在不同性別方面,除了我為了保持身材、我喜歡做我能做好的事及我要放鬆緊張的心情未達顯著本水準,其餘各題皆達顯著差異水準。有關學生是否住宿方面,經分析各題皆未達顯著差異水準。有關學生是否住宿方面,經分析各題皆未達顯著差異水準。 有關不同科別、年級及每週課輔時間及睡眠時間及每週運動的天數及每天運動時間等作F考驗,達顯著差異水準分別做(薛費氏法)事後比較。 經因素分析後可得到下列六個類別分項為: (一)親密及技術發展。 (二)人際關係。 (三)興奮與挑戰。 (四)體適能。 (五)運動特質。 (六)活力釋放。


運動休閒 參與動機


The purpose of the research was to find out Ming-Dag high school students’ were motivated to participate sport activities after school. According to the research, there are three motives which are most popular among them. They are ranked as following: 1. I like having fun. 2. I like this sport. 3. I like doing something which I am good at. Form this research, the t-Test is used to analyze the difference between females and males and living in dormitories or not. According to the result, the different sex shows that there are three items “under standard significant,” They are “I want to stay in shape.,” “I like doing something which I am good at.” And “I want to release my emotion tensiona1.” The other iteme of the research belong in “significant category.” As to the students no mater whether they live in dormitories or not, are under “significant.” The research study also used the F-Test to analyze the different majors, grades, subjects, counseling hours, sleeping hours, daily excises, and weekly excises. If the items are suitable for the significant, the SCFFCE was used as comparing after wards. Through the analysis of principle components, the 6 significant factors of sport participation motivation are: 1. affiliation and skill development 2. Personal relationship 3. Excitement and challenge 4.Fitness 5. Sport characteristics


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