  • 期刊


An Overview of the Development of Tchouk-Ball in Kaoshiung County


巧固球運動又稱「君子球」運動,因為沒身體接觸,場地器材簡單,深受國小學童的喜歡。高雄縣推展巧固球,這幾年來推展不錯,不僅比賽多、球隊多、活動更是多樣化。由67年8月中華民國巧固球協會(以下簡稱全國協會)巡迴輔導辦講習會至高雄縣開始,縣內即有學校參加全省的比賽,成立委員會後舉辦講習會、縣長盃、更辦73年區運及74年全國中正盃等全國大比賽,可惜創會3年後就停止委員會的推展,引起筆者想研究之動機,研究之結果發現,初期成立的委員會因政治、經費及總幹事調校等因素而無法推展。 85年委員會改組,設置網站且出版刊物、辦過省長盃、國際邀請賽及協助成立亞洲巧固球總會、也和日本群馬縣結盟為姊妹縣以組團參加「2000年國際巧固球30週年祭典」公開賽,都是值得探討,此時期則是在經費開源節流、委員會主任委員支持、各校支持及幹部用心下經營,不僅在縣內是單項之模範,全國亦予肯定,更走出國際,促進體育外交。 本研究目的主要在探究高雄縣巧固球運動發展之過程,採用文獻研究法及訪談法,從高雄縣的時代背景談起,來了解巧固球運動在67年到89年間,二個主要階段推展的情形。


高雄縣 巧固球 體育史


Tchouk-ball is regarded as a sport for gentlemen. The characteristics of playing with no body contact and simple equipments appeal greatly to many elementary school students. The promotion of Tchouk-ball in Kaoshiung County has been a successful achievement. Many contests and sport teams as well as versatile activities have taken place. Since the 67th year of the R.O.C. calendar, the circulating consultation sponsored by the R.O.C Tchouk-ball Association (R.O.C. T.B.A) had brewed an atmosphere among schools in Kaoshiung County for participating the provincial contests. More activities followed after establishing the committee. For example, different training workshops, the County Magistrate Cup and the national Zhongzheng Cup in the 73rd and 74th year of the R.O.C. calendar. However, the promoting process was discontinued in the county after three years of the founding of the committee. The result of this paper shows two facts. In the early stage, the committee found themselves hard to survive due to some political issue, the budget and the transfer of the chief director. In the 85th year of the R.O.C. calendar, the committee reformed. They created a Tchouk-ball website and published periodicals. They held Province Cup and a world invitational contest. They also had great achievements on reaching out the international stage such as helping establish Asia Tchouk-ball Federation, forming alliance with the Tchouk-ball association in Gunnma Kenn in Japan and representing Taiwan in the 30th anniversary of 2000 International Tchouk-ball Open. In the later stage, however, the committee became the model in the county through a better management of the budget and the collaboration of the entire committee members. They have not only received credits from the people, but also actively promoted the athletic communication on the international stage. The paper focuses on the development of Tchouk-ball in Kaoshiung County. Starting from the introduction of the background of Kaoshiung County, the reader will have a better understanding toward the two-stage promotion of the Tchouk-ball from the 67th to 89th year of the R.O.C. calendar. The documentation research and interviews were conducted to obtain the information.




