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The Effectiveness of Adopting Tablets Pc in Physical Education of Badminton Skill


目的:瞭解傳統教學與平板電腦輔助教學在羽球技能學習效果與自覺學習效果之差異情形。方法:以某國立大學修習羽球進階課程及羽球初級課程之學生為研究參與者,以平板電腦輔助教學組為實驗組,傳統教學組為控制組,總計在自覺學習效果部分為實驗組173人,控制組160人,在技能學習效果部份,實驗組170人(發球,n = 59;切球,n = 54;高遠球,n = 57),控制組149人(發球,n = 50;切球,n = 53;高遠球,n = 46)。在實驗中分別實施前後測,後測於教學八週後實施。實驗資料以描述性統計敘述不同測驗項目組別學生之平均數與標準差,利用獨立樣本單因子共變數分析檢驗「技能學習效果」實驗組與控制組研究參與者之差異情形,以及採用t檢定檢驗「自覺學習效果」是否具顯著差異。結果:一、平板電腦輔助教學組在發球、切球及高遠球三項技能學習顯著優於傳統教學組。二、平板電腦輔助教學法在自覺學習效果顯著優於傳統教學法。結論:平板電腦輔助教學法的運用,無論從專家評分的客觀資料及學習者根據自覺學習效果問卷自評的主觀資料呈現上,確實對提升羽球技能學習上有所助益。


Purpose: This study purposed to understand the differences between the conventional teaching methods and the innovative strategies by using tablet personal computers to learn badminton skills, such as serve, long, and drop shot. Method: The experiment was conducted in the physical education courses of "Badminton Advanced" and "Badminton" in one of the northern Taiwan universities for an entire semester. Participants were assigned to control group and experimental group. Participants in the experimental group were taught with tablet personal computers and Participants in the control group were with conventional teaching methods. The Participants numbers of self-assessment in experimental group were 173 and 160 in control group. Otherwise the Participants numbers of the effect upon skill-learning in experimental group were 170, among which serving takes 59, drop shot 57, and long shot 57; and 149 in control group, among which serving takes 50, drop shot 53, and long shot 46. To measure their learning achievement, the pretest and posttest of the three skills were conducted during eight weeks. Self-assessment was also conducted at the end of semester. The ANCOVA and T-test were used for statistical analysis. Result: For the whole three badminton skills, the learning performances in the experiment group was significantly higher than control group (p < .05). Furthermore, the self-assessment scores of experimental group was significantly higher than those of control group (p < .05). Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that the innovative strategy using tablet personal computers could help students' develop badminton skills.


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