  • 期刊


The moderating role of proactive personality between job control and sport internship effectiveness


緒論:在全球經濟體下,組織須快速應對外在環境之變化,企業需要員工將學校所學立即應用到職場上。而成功的實習,不僅能增進學生的職場技能,亦可幫助雇主招募潛在員工。因此,實習制度的建立,對於企業人力資源管理及學生學習及職涯發展上皆是相當重要的。僅管近年來運動實習發展日益蓬勃,然學者針對運動實習成效所做的相 關研究仍非常稀少,且少用理論觀點去探討影響實習成效之因素。是以,本研究依據主動動機模式與工作控制理論,旨在探討實習生主動人格對工作控制與實習滿意度、實習表現之調節效果。方法:本研究招募臺灣八間大專校院運動相關科系的實習生為參與者,採取問卷調查法,共計蒐集有效問卷301份,並以階層迴歸進行假說驗證。結果:實習生之主動人格與工作控制皆與實習滿意度和實習表現有正向關聯性。主動人格可調節實習生工作控制與實習滿意度的關係:當實習生具有較高之主動人格時,其工作控制與實習滿意度之關係程度較強。相反的,當實習生具備較低的主動人格時,則工作控制與實習滿意度則呈現較低之關聯性。另一方面,主動人格無法調節工作控制與實習表現的關係。最後,相較於工作控制理論,主動動機理論對於工作滿意度有較佳的預測效果。結論:研究結果顯示,當實習生有較高之主動人格時,其工作表現與工作滿意度都較佳。研究成果可提供實習合作企業及運動相關科系在未來推展實習課程時之實務參酌。


Introduction: In today’s global economy, an organization requires rapid responses to a changing external environment. Corporations need employees who can immediately transfer knowledge between classroom learning and actual practice. Successful internship not only enhances students’ job-related skills, but also helps employers recruit potential staff. As a result, the internship has become an important implement both for corporation’s human resource management and for students’ learning and career development. Despite the growing popularity of sport internships in recent years, little research has been done on the effectiveness of sports internship, let alone discussing the factors that influence them based on theoretical concepts. According to the proactive motivation model and job control theory, this study aims to investigate the moderating role of proactive personality between job control and their internship satisfaction as well as performance. Methods: We recruited sport-related-major interns from eight universities in Taiwan as participants and collected data through questionnaires. A total of 301 valid questionnaires were obtained, and hierarchical regression analysis was adopted for testing the hypotheses. Results: The results indicated that interns’ job control and proactive personality had positive relationships with internship satisfaction as well as their performance. Interns’ proactive personality could moderate the relationship between job control and their internship satisfaction. When they demonstrated a high proactive personality, the relationship between job control and satisfaction towards internship was strong. On the contrary, when interns’ proactive personality was low, the relationship between job control and their satisfaction was weak. Besides, interns’ proactive personality could not moderate the relationship between job control and their internship performance. Finally, compared with job characteristics model, proactive motivation model had a better prediction on internship satisfaction. Conclusion: The results indicated that interns with higher proactive personality could perform better and had higher work satisfaction. The implications of this study offered managerial insights for both cooperating enterprises and sport-related departments when executing sport internship programs in the future.


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