  • 期刊


A review of green tea supplementation on exercise-induced fatigue




增補劑 能量代謝 氧化壓力 發炎


Introduction: Muscle fatigue during exercise training or competition is defined as the reduction in the ability to produce a give force or maximal muscle power that impairs athletic performance. Exercise-induced fatigue is usually divided into central and peripheral components. Fatigue assessment using blood biochemical markers is often used as a practical method of monitoring training load, fatigue and recovery in athletes. Appropriate nutrition can induce metabolic adaptations to training resulted in the attenuate in fatigue or muscle damage. Green tea is made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis L plant, which is abundant in polyphenol catechins and less caffeine. The precise mechanisms of green tea regulate fat oxidation and oxidative stress generated by free radicals in relation to anti-obesity, anti-oxidative stress and anti-inflammatory properties, and showed the potential of positive effect in response to fatigue. Methods: A comprehensive literature search was conducted to identify relevant trials of the supplementation of green tea capsules or drinkers. Exclusion criteria were the isolation of the pure ingredients, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) from green tea. According to the mechanism and metabolic changes of muscle fatigue during exercise, three categories of biomarkers have been determined, included energy metabolism, oxidative stress and inflammatory biomarkers. We aimed to identify the effects of green tea on exercise-induced fatigue, performance and post-exercise recovery. Conclusion: This review article showed that 1) green tea supplementation would increase lipid metabolism and spare glycogen utilization that is beneficial in enhancing exercise performance in animals, but not in humans. 2) Green tea supplementation could not enough induce the changes in lipid metabolism during moderate intensity exercise that elicits the maximum fat oxidation rate in humans. 3) The evidence from human studies supported these adaptations that result in increased fat oxidation and decreased oxidative stress with high intensity and resistance/weight exercise, but not exercised-induced inflammation. Clearly, future studies are needed to elucidate the effects of high dose green tea with high intensity or resistance/weight exercise on fatigue and performance.


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