  • 期刊


Social network analysis of interaction patterns in a leisure badminton club


緒論:本研究旨在探討一個羽球運動社團的社會網絡結構特質、社會網絡間的相關,以及四種社會網絡(情感性、訊息性、工具性、社團事務)對延伸休閒網絡的預測力。方法:本研究採立意抽樣,選取新竹縣某羽球運動社團18名會員為研究參與者。以問卷調查法及質性訪談蒐集資料,所蒐集資料以UCINET 6.0套裝軟體進行描述性統計、程度中心性、二次分配程序(quadratic assignment procedure, QAP)相關、多元迴歸二次分配程序(multiple regression quadratic assignment procedures, MRQAP)分析。結果:一、在情感性社會支持網絡、訊息性社會支持網絡、工具性社會支持網絡、社團事務網絡與延伸休閒網絡具有較高個人程度中心性者,多為擔任社團幹部或資深社團球友。二、情感性社會支持網絡、訊息性社會支持網絡、工具性社會支持網絡及社團事務網絡,兩兩之間的相關(QAP)均達顯著水準。三、社會支持網絡(情感性、訊息性、工具性)與社團事務網絡對延伸休閒網絡之迴歸預測皆達顯著水準,其中以工具性社會支持網絡具有最好的預測力。結論:網絡分析對休閒團體成員之社會互動能夠進行結構性的瞭解,有助於我們瞭解休閒團體成員間的互動情形,對運動社會心理學與運動社團管理具有理論與應用上的貢獻。


Introduction: The purpose of this study was to explore social network characteristics in a badminton club. Furthermore, this study examined the correlations among four types of social support networks (i.e., emotional, informative, instrumental, and club affair network) and the predictability of these social networks on the extended leisure network in badminton club members. Methods: Questionnaire and interviews were used to collect data. With a purposive sample, 18 badminton players from a badminton club in Hsinchu county were recruited. UCINET 6.0 was used to analyze the data. Descriptive statistics, centrality of social network, quadratic assignment procedure (QAP) and multiple regression quadratic assignment procedures (MRQAP) were performed. Results: First, participants who had high personal centrality in emotional, informative, instrumental, club affair, and extended leisure network tended to be the staffs and high tenure members. Second, pairwise correlation (QAP) showed there were significant relationships among four types of social networks in badminton club. Third, the MRQAP analysis showed that emotional, informative, instrumental, and club affair network significantly predicted extended leisure network. Specially, the instrumental social support network had great predictive power for extended leisure network. Conclusion: social network analysis is useful for exploring the interaction of leisure sport clubs and understanding the theory and application for social psychology in sport club management.


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